They fooled the bots alright and fooled everyone else who had signed up for their useless in-stock alerts and was expecting some sort of notice. Meh.
They fooled the bots alright and fooled everyone else who had signed up for their useless in-stock alerts and was expecting some sort of notice. Meh.
Fucking scalpers and their bots gotta ruin it for the rest of us!
I was a juvenile PO. While there are definitely issues with charging kids as adults (namely systemic racism and/or poverty), for the most severe crimes, charging as adults is mandatory. Murder and attempted murder, rape, that sort of thing. Juvenile simply courts aren’t intended for those types of severe crimes, nor…
Especially with them saying the Rise of Iron exclusive content will come to Xbox around October. A month after Destiny 2 comes not only did they withhold it a year but they’re releasing it at a time when I no longer care and probably won’t go back to it.
It’s dumb, but anything is better than Sony paying Bungie to literally withhold Destiny content from Xbox and PC players and then calling it exclusive.
Yeah not spending $10 for something that is just going to be thrown away. At this point its just better to go the pinhole route and not waste your money since its only a few hours away.
Are you not allowed to screw things into your walls at your place? I just have my two Vive sensors screwed into the ceiling and leave them there, there’s not much need to be taking them up and down constantly.
Do you not have the third sensor for the rift? Not quite a $200 price difference. I have all my stuff plugged in for the vive, I just unplug the headset from the linkbox for storage, outside of that everything stays up. Before this price drop I’d agree 100% the rift was what to buy, but this price difference makes it…
5/5 Mustangs: When the out of control Mustang hits spectators/pedestrians. Threat level: Run for your life.
Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.
Sad to see them just abandon the game like this. I personally really enjoyed the game in spite of its flaws and was looking forward to the Quarian ark DLC teased at the end of the game.
This comment is the most boring comment.
Well there IS this tid bit from Magary... i mean you may not need to know it, but it sure is nice knowing it!
You don’t know about dynamic wheel alignment? Oh yeah, it’s this whole new service. Really improves the handling. It’s the greatest thing since speed holes.
Just before the election last year, I was really looking forward to being able to ignore Trump as I had for the vast majority of my life. Like, never having to see his bloviating orange melon ever again.
Aside from the many ways the guy is human trash, one of the cruelest insults is that I have probably seen his stupid fucking face every day (save for vacations, thank goodness) for the past two years. Every day! That dumb, melting blockhead, with the sour, jutting chin only Tony Clifton could rival.
I saw the Reddit thread blow up yesterday. IIRC the guy did it as a project and was surprised to see it blow up like this, he said something to effect of “if I’d known it would get this much attention, i’d have been a little more concise.”
This. The animation of the NES and SNES here have consistent pixel placement, so one could argue these are representing an animated sprite. Whether the NES can animate that many frames that quickly, I have no damn clue. But you can pull off this exact look with purely 2D graphics.
it COULD display a pre-rendered animation, just saying.