
People really need to get over it and just upgrade. It’s not going to give your PC cancer, it will never be your precious XP or 7, but it is sure as hell better than 8.

I think this is a great direction for the console market to go. Sony’s doing the same thing, too. I think this is what Yoshida means when he says there’s no need for a PS5. That’s not the business model they’re working with anymore. It’ll be more like iPhones. Playstation and XBox will become platforms, rather than a

That is a big problem (though for true high speed rail, you need to build new passenger only right of ways anyway). Worth noting however that even where Amtrak does own the rails (generally, most of the NE corridor, and the Philly>Harrisburg route), only a tiny section is capable of running anywhere near the Acela’s

Yes we should have Japanese style mass transit. So much more comfortable.

Soon we will be able to travel across the country at 700 MPH, with giant windows, watching the country fly past while barely feeling a thing.

But the seat will be a bit narrow. God, the future sucks.


Seriously. These kinds of pessimistic complaints about otherwise fucking amazing technology annoy me. I feel like

“Sorry, but this article just struck me as entitled whining”

I was lucky enough to fly on Concorde once, and the seating was rudimentary, to say the least. Basically fabric stretched over an articulated aluminum frame. And very cramped.

Ditto. Also, if you manage WSUS or AD and haven't been able to figure out how to stop users even seeing this with one setting in each case, you're bad at your job. There is *literally* a single GP setting to disable upgrades, and there is *literally* a single update you need not to approve for release. I hate that all

Sorry, but this article just struck me as entitled whining. This is amazing technology that promises to deliver exceptionally quick and convenient travel from one city center to another, and you’re complaining about the seats.

We already have issues with people having to purchase two airplane tickets and get belt extenders.

And this is the line of thinking that allows so many repeat vulnerabilities run rampant. Updating your computer is not just about bug fixes, or improvements, but it’s about closing off huge vulnerabilities. If you refuse to follow basic computer maintenance, don’t be upset when you find your information was

Windows will not update without user interaction. Just because people don’t watch what they click on, does not mean big bad Microsoft is doing it automatically.

Your games will run fine on Windows 10. But go ahead and keep talking trash about something you clearly do not have any experience with.

As a network admin for a mid sized company with a pretty decent number of machines, I have yet to see a computer “automatically” upgrade to Windows 10. What I have seen a lot of is people clicking on shit, not paying attention to what they are doing, and then upgrading to Windows 10, and claiming bad old Microsoft did

I love how people continue to act like Windows 10 is Windows 8.2. It really isn’t. It really, really, really isn’t. I know it’s hard to believe that Windows 10 is actually a competent operating system, but it actually is quite stable now. It’s like you all are still basing your opinions of Windows 10 on old alpha

I really don’t get the Win 10 hate, and the update is only automatic if you’re a moron ...

Annoying as this must all be, I’ve been using Windows 10 since it launched, and I’m pretty happy with it.

Screw Bastion, the REAL crime is the absolute disdain PotG has for healers.

Yes, I zipped around the map with Mercy, healed five people at critical health in the middle of a firefight, healed a Mei straight through a Roadhog hookshot/shotgun (letting her turn around and murder him), then damage boosted Pharah 60 feet

Exactly, reverse racism doesn’t exist. It’s all racism when a group of people get treated differently due to their race. Reverse racism is a stupid fucking term because the reverse of racism is equality...

As a non-white guy, I don’t get what the big deal is here.