(Via XUZA)
That one's Ami, not Mami.
If I was a woman I'd totally cosplay the heck out of this outfit.
Best wishes to Mr. Iwata. Nintendo Directs just wouldn't be Nintendo Directs without him.
I played the Japanese version, and I feel that Typo-0's pacing makes it a better fit for Vita than PS4. That being said, I'm still pretty fucking excited for this.
Goddamn it.
Yes it is!
EDIT: Apparently not. Damn it.
June 20 - Lufia 2
I will support this if Luigi is the playable character.
The hum button in Transistor is definitely one of my favorites. I know this might be stretching it a little bit, but the conversations that would trigger in Persona 4 Golden whenever you changed outfits were amusing additions. They served no purpose aside from just some goofy banter between party members about the…
It's nice, but I'm looking at the Lightning Returns and FFXIV CE's I have and I haven't touched anything out of them. Besides, I was planning on buying digital for Curtain Call anyway.
I just want to be able to play my icons where I want them without having to conform to Apples Left to right, top to bottom format. The primary reason I jailbreak is just so I can install Gridlock.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the immediate resemblance to Russel.
So far I love it, although I'll admit the library has been lacking until recently. Started off with Knack and Resogun, both of which gave me ample entertainment, followed it up with The Lego Movie videogame and Infamous Second Son, which I enjoyed greatly. Recently I picked up Child of Light and Dynasty Warriors 8 XL,…
Wait, it's illegal to put anything in someone's mailbox without postage? Even if I take the effort to write a letter and deliver it myself?
I meant to annotate the Amplitude comment. Not sure why it annotated this one instead.
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