
Can someone plz help me? I am trying to find a game that Kotaku wrote an article on and can't remember what it was. The only thing I do remember is it had a very unique clean looking art style (and colorful). I believe it was a pc game and was on kickstarter or something. Also, I think it was like out in space or

can the author elaborate on their dislike for gamification? Everything these days is measured in some sort of performance metric. Why not make some of these things a little more fun and engaging? Something like this probably would have helped me get more involved in highschool.

im so glad I didn't buy this game.

He's not a traitor. He pretty much sacrifced his little piece of "the american dream" in the hope that the rest of us would not take this shit anymore. All we (in the USA) do lately is try to defend ourselves against our own government. They have taken over our healthcare system (healthcare is a business, no different

the writer of this article is forgetting one hige thing. The majority of us havent gotten to shoot stuff in the face using VR yet!


Proof please

Spaceys knows best

can someone explain this. I dont get it...

ey buddy, just try it out, cuz imma try it out, imma try it, imma try it out, OKAY?

who gives a crap. It looks awesome and my wife is always down for call of duty, so ill at least ill have a decent one to play with her this year. Plus... KEVIN SPACEY!!!!!!

lol...oh Jason. Never has an article captured my exact feelings so perfectly. I have been scouring the internets for rumors on a new TMNT movie for years and now that there finally is one, I'm wishing it didn't exist.

all I can say is they better bring in Arrow and Flash from the TV series

nothing will sway me. Im still buying destiny and will play the heck out of it

sorry for your loss bud. I find life life is often not about how much time we have, but rather the quality of it.

What if I told you, I usually see the posts on reddit before I see them here? Heck, I cross posted that storyabout the kid using Gamestop as a bank from r/4chan to r/gaming and then magically it was on Kotaku! So I guess you could say I already write for them...

Yeah dude. Great point. Im done being quiet about my beliefs and my faith. No one else keeps quiet about their's! In that context, I'd rather people gain insight about us, directly from us, rather than from whatever cook is currently out there, twisting religion into their own agenda.

Here are just my two cents...So, I am a Lutheran (Christian) and I agree with you completely. Somewhere along the line, people like the crusaders and that guy from the Westboro church have turned God's message into the complete opposite of what Jesus taught. Jesus message was love, not hate. He himself was even

I just want to work at Kotaku. All I do is follow gaming and technology news. It's the thing that gets me out of bed every day. Professionally, I'm sort of a "jack of all trades". Mostly, however, I do a lot with business metrics and creating software tools to help coworkers perform their jobs easier (whether it be

wow...this article is amazing. Very very well done