
omg this is just finally getting reported on? Lol. Where have u been Luke? That dude banging her over the couch was well over a month ago. To everyone else, head on over to the subreddit. R/theplayroom. Enjoy!

it will be on ps4 soon enough im sure. If they can port BL2 to the vita as quick as they did, im sure this will take no time.

You should probably fuk off... :-D

Dont forget me! Best of luck to you in the future. I appreciate you keeping things running on the weekends as content is slim most other places on the interwebz Saturdays, Sundays and lazy Mondays. Bye bye!

Too bad it can't change their xbox one into a ps4.

Touchscreen games suck.

Titanfall sucks.

Problem with every FF game besides X = not enough Auron

My ps4 looks cooler.

Baaaa baaa baaaa

They should sell pizza instead

HAHA! Dirty PC peasant!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guess I dont get to compete since I dont use Facebook

Tidus woukd destroy all of them.

I am proud to say I didnt vote for this guy EITHER time.

Where is the category for if u bought two ps4s? Cuz I did that

Because the chrome logo is 666 (google it)

I just want the climbing/running controls to work right