Dude, um...if your dick is making sounds, you should probably call a doctor, because i have NEVER heard of that happening before....
Dude, um...if your dick is making sounds, you should probably call a doctor, because i have NEVER heard of that happening before....
O get over it. Like anyone even knew your tiny town even existed before this. Besides...Ia lot of things in kife share names...u think this is a new unprecedented phenome of a situation happening to your town? I mean F bro...now hat I clicked through to post a comment I cant even remember the town name in the article…
Speechless..... What a spoiled greedy attention whore. How can you just have such little regard for someone else's property?
Speechless..... What a spoiled greedy attention whore. How can you just have such little regard for someone else's property?
This video is surprising to me, because generally the females that work at my gamestop are really nice (unlike the wretch in this video who as a rep for the company should just turn the other cheek, let the guy be a jerk and ask him to leave) and most (not all) the guys are just dicks.
Games don't make psychos, psychos make games.
Never played the first game! What!
Um..well...this is the first that I'm actually hearing about any dick wolves so....now that it's a fresh story (at least to me) would someone mind explain what is dickwovles?
Are there any stats available on gaming? Like, how many people play games versus how many people drive or watch tv or anything? What about statistics showing these people who did these crimes had clear signs of mental problems and turned to games for a distraction to keep their sanity in check for just a little…
Its not her business what games i play or how often.
Cue NSA receiving official authorization to spy on all gamers forein or domestic.
Or I could just wait. 0_o
I agree with your friend. nothing about this game appeals to me. The shooting mechanics suck, the characters suck, the stories suck and the rest is just pure trash for the mind. It is a perfect display of the immoral society we live in, that this kind of game is acceptable for SOME of our children to play (allowed by…
Im here for war. IM KIDDING! Im here for... YOUR SISt er
Those eyes are so creepy. They should be glowing red with fire and hatred. That would look much less weird.
"Geek cred"? Your kidding, right? The only people I consider geeks now are those who don't game or like super hero flicks. Most everyone I know (guys and girls) are into them both. Now every time some says "yea, I don't game, I can help but thinking "wow, what an F'n weirdo."
Here are some points of why it should come to the west
"we'll bang, okay?"
i care about none of these things
Fuk Iphones!