
Not all white women. Come on, you’re just trying to worsen the divide.

Normally one should ask the guy what his intentions were, and in a workplace or home or other environment that would be the right answer. But a plate that’s viewed exclusively by strangers who won’t be able to stop and clarify everywhere is not the same scenario. The government must apply a “reasonable person”

My assumption, having not read the full lengthy opinion, is that the judge might not have had a proper legal reason to deny the request. A judge would not issue that strong an opinion against the proposal yet allow it unless there was a legal technicality preventing the ruling the judge wanted to issue.

Travis Kalanick looks like a young Ted Cruz in that photo and it’s disturbing.

Did he? He said “NOT MY FAULT” but then accepts responsibility. Isn’t that a contradiction?

The US bungled the efforts so badly, it is in many ways making things worse off than ever. The average Afghan never held animosity towards America, now we are hated by a large swath of the public because of our killings and tortures, even the infamous “Kill Team” wasn’t properly punished.

Afghanistan will not be formed into one cohesive nation, regardless of how much money is spent or how many bombs are dropped.

the single largest benefactor of the Taliban would be Pakistan.

neighboring Iran is providing support to the Taliban

The toughness of punjabi with the phonics of Mongolian/Russian

“A sad day for free speech?” Then why are these right-wingers trying to block Muslim, Palestinian, and anti-Zionist speakers from campuses? Hypocrites.

According to who? Another shady police leak?

For a narcissist who feeds off the mindless applause from crowds and is pathologically addicted to feeling popular, that would be the worst punishment of all.

Kellyanne got in trouble because she was advertising while working inside the White House, and using her office to do so. Ivanka tweeted this last year.

This incident took place in 2014, people paid by CC within the app, Apple got no revenue from the Uber app.

UberCab’s name drew attention from regulators. In October 2010, the company shortened its name to Uber after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from San Francisco officials for marketing itself as a taxi company without the proper licenses and permits.

John Stossell on Fox News is advocating for even less regulation, even to the point of getting rid of FAA. His justification is that airlines have their own self-interest to prevent accidents and can regulate and inspect themselves.

Jeff Sessions “hungers and thirsts for the Scripture,” but given his hateful attitudes towards black people and Muslims, either he ignores it or has a pretty extreme set of “Christian” beliefs.

“cited over 20 times since 1996.”

This is disgusting, because Muslims all across France and Europe and the world already condemned the attack. There’s thousands of French Muslim cops and they’re horrified someone would kill their colleague and are indignant that their religion is accused of being to blame.