
Citation needed. I’d like to see this mysterious orders and see whether they differ from Obama’s or not. All we have is your say-so.

He’s been calling for a refugee ban for over a year. If he had demanded the opposite, then yes the GOP and Obama could have come to an agreement and expedited the process. He deserves some blame here, also since he’s been agitating for Europe to close THEIR doors for over a year now too. He can’t just blame others for

Neither did this strike. Trump supports Russia and Assad and has praised both.

Just when we’re finally getting rid of photoshopped models making our children anorexic/bullimic, now this comes along. Good or bad?

What orders did Obama refuse to sign? Let’s see them, if they even exist. Any conflict over 60 days requires approval of Congress, and they made it clear they didn’t want the US involved. Democrat and Republican politicians told him to stay out of Syria. The Obama administration asked Congress in August 2013 for

Twitter said that if he breaks the TOS, then yes they will ban him no matter who he is or what job he has.

Unfortunately a number of GOP politicians have been hypocritical on abortion. Scott Desjarlais is maybe the best example, very anti-abortion in his votes but pressured his own wife and 2 mistresses into them. This also extends to Republican voters, see “The only moral abortion is my abortion.”

What’s step 2? Ok you bombed a base that included Russians. Hope you thought ahead about what comes next.

According to Trump supporters regretting their choice, somehow this is Hillary’s fault, if she wanted to stop this she should have won. /s

As a former cab driver in NY, you need a special class of drivers license from DMV, social security number, and fingerprinting. Undocumented immigrants cannot drive.

As soon as you hear of a crisis, go and fill the bathtubs. That’s probably the safest most convenient method, although certain catastrophies may prevent this.

I’m not a gun enthusiast, what is the difference between a clip and a magazine?

If the worst you can do is get dismissed from Uber, that’s hardly enough, because they can just go to Lyft. Plenty of Genuine taxi companies do background checks including fingerprinting.

There’s something disingenuous by blurring the line between medical and recreational marijuana use when criticizing these guidelines. We have a substantial pile of data showing that recreational marijuana users are more likely to engage in other risky behaviors including other drug use, and as a result it’s not

Clearly this one was not using its motor to go in reverse. Once most of the weight was removed from the escalator (towards the end of the video), you see it slow. That indicates it was just moving freely.

Obama tried to shrink the US military budget somewhat by cutting new spending, only to have Fox News skewer him for it. Sean Hannity told his followers that Obama is drastically shrinking the military to dangerous levels and making it pathetically weak.

Yes, HSS can be turned on and off easily in taskbar or menubar.

Yes, HSS can be turned on and off easily in taskbar or menubar.

In the past Hulu was blocked on HotSpotShield. Did they eventually get around this?

In the past Hulu was blocked on HotSpotShield. Did they eventually get around this?