
Cool, but today I have a Pavlovian reaction of visceral hate to any red baseball caps.

Go ahead and show us this correction then.

Both parties are calling for re-examining the H1B visa system, which will likely happen in a few weeks. That doesn’t justify a Muslim ban or total closure of the borders.

Must we go through this argument again?
1. Trump called for and campaigned on a Muslim ban

Must we go through this argument again?
1. Trump called for and campaigned on a Muslim ban

The gun out carries non-zero risk of accidental shooting. It’s happened so many times this last decade, particularly against people of color.

He was a rougish president, broke some laws, did a massive nationwide eviction of Native Americans (“The Trail of Tears”) and did some radical changes to the government.

First movie had her only moving small objects.

There’s a number of Obama officials who came forward to deny Trump’s claim that this was Obama’s plan and therefore his fault, here’s one official.

I think Sony does this with their Bravia TVs, the difference is that it’s stated in the Opt-In screen.

When he stops dominating the national discourse. One would hope this fever breaks soon.

He was a fairly talented politician at giving sound bites for the media, but he didn’t sponsor bills or do a lot of leading on any particular issue. He was simply a reliable Democrat who knew how to be a good talking head.

It’s not exactly the smartest humor, McCarthy tends to go for the physical slapstick gags.

Quite a lot actually. Not only has it depressed tourism to the US (NYC gets 59 million tourists per year), but it wrecked havoc on the system. One airline tried to tell flight crews that they should be the ones to tell Muslims to leave the flights and there was a revolt as they said they are not immigration officers.

That was fascinating. I love the attention to the little details.

So... Trump says boycott Apple (an American company) for not breaking their phones for the FBI, but praises Samsung, a company that has lost in court for stealing American intellectual property.

Why or how? He was on Tattoine.

Heck, it’s more like Carter’s failed Operation Eagle Claw, which magically was blamed on the Democratic President while Trump gets a pass.

But Trump only likes soldiers who weren’t captured or killed.

Obama declined to approve of the raid a few weeks ago, but Trump approved it.