
Actually it’s TWO buttons. The RSO has to press both of them for the self-destruct to trigger.

won’t let a little thing like international diplomacy stop its hardline agenda.

The US military found a way to successfully test and prove this during the Draft era (since people would fake being colorblind). They have several slides of the Ishihara Color Test (you can google it to see images), and some are easy to see if you are not colorblind AND some can only be seen if you are colorblind.

The carriers have been trying Oh so hard for years to prevent their services from being turned into mere “dumb pipes” that simply route data. That’s why Verizon tried offering its own special mobile Web, or video exclusives on Vcast, and Sprint tried streaming channels, or T-Mobile making deals with Netflix, etc.

I don’t know if he will be on air hosting. Stewart is also a producer on Colbert’s new show, but he is not an on-air presence.

This was a medium episode for me. There’s such better ones, perhaps watch Blink.

They milked the ‘bad’ episodes with the “They Hated It!” DVD compilation of the show and heavily rotated those episodes.

You’re trying to hard to compare apples and pickles. And your bold text makes you look like a spammer.

AppleTV’s new tvOS lets anyone put out their own app, including a Prime app.

Oh come on, the entire first part of this article is implying without proof that Al Jazeera is poor journalism. It’s still some of the best I see today.

Peer physical examination (PPE) is common in medical schools; EXCEPT for genitalia. It’s not uncommon for men to take their shirts off and have the other students practice using the stethoscope to check hearts and lungs etc.

My medical school used a plastic model.

Peer physical examination (PPE) is common in medical schools; EXCEPT for genitalia. It’s not uncommon for men to take their shirts off and have the other students practice using the stethoscope to check hearts and lungs etc.

“till I’m out of the weeds.”

I read that, but it sounded like the author is saying I volunteered which meant I would have to face the man. Its grammar makes it unclear.

Naturally, we remade the order right away and braced for the angry phone call.

Like many things, this will likely be addressed in 2.0 software update. For now, ApplePay is disabled when the watch is taken off the wrist and requires a passcode to reactivate.

This movie did do a decent job of explaining Iraqi grievances against America, or at least the best job any Hollywood movie actually tried.

You’re the one with the argument that most people with iPhones upgrade every single year, which I said was incorrect. People using iPhones from 2008 is uncommon, but I see plenty of iPods from then still in use. There’s also plenty of 2010 iOS devices in use today (iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod touches). Ask the people

all those people around you who put their iPhones 5s on eBay a week before they waited in line to buy a shiny new 6+ the day it came out.