
Yeah, my sister’s bacherlotte party was a still-life drawing. They had a lot of fun. There is still a picture of my aunt, cousin, and a naked guy grinning broadly at the camera on the internet somewhere.

What sad, pathetic little sacks of waste.

I said exactly that to my husband! As an American, I guess, it was just constantly a reminder of stereotypes I thought were an exaggeration. HER NAME IS MARY BERRY FOR FUCK’S SAKE!

It’s more that it’s irrelevant. I’m not going to stand up and cry censorship and boycott over a scantily clad child or pixel breasts. The game is the same as Japan in all the ways that make the game great. What’s been cut is not some core element of the game.

I love how a day after the story about the sexism at Gawker Media broke John Cook issued a layoff memo saying that Gawker is going to be about hard core politics and Jezebel is going to do more celebrity gossip and beauty articles.

My mum actually suggested going on a mild sort of strike - my boyfriend’s shirts don’t get washed until he actually starts to put laundry on, his cereal doesn’t get replaced until he puts it on the shopping list - but I talked her out of it because the very idea of it makes me feel guilty about not being thoughtful.

Hey cousin! Are we related from the “persnickety” side of the family? JK!

This is why listening to the Savage Love podcast is great (or reading his column). I like hearing about other people’s weird problems.

He was like, forcibly kissing Katie,

A few local celebrities have done that and some super rich people probably too. Personally I don’t know anybody who has done that or wants to do it.

To reply to everyone who has replied thus far, it was stupid joke that for some reason took off in our area. They always expected to get their sandwich on an actual bun, but were trying (and failing) to be funny. As for how he served it to his last straw guy; he simply plopped the roast beef on the wrapper, poured the

L.E is kind of bullshit, though, because you can’t walk into their stores or racks at Myer/DJs and try on any of the plus sizes. They’ll lip service for the fat dollar, but they don’t want fat customers getting their fat all up in their actual stores. Also not all their range is available in the bigger sizes.

GOD, I'm so glad Piglio Griglio is taking off!!

It makes a lot of sense to me that your life change helped with it. For instance, I notice that I rarely pull when I'm on vacation, but it's never for long enough that it sticks once I'm back in "real life." I'm working on making some other changes in my life - pursuing a new career, being more proactive about