
It sure was pretty though.

I can't even tell you how many times I've rewatched the show and series at this point.

The first time I watched the movie I was like 'eh, it's okay,' and then I caught it again for some reason and it vaulted to one of my favorites.

It was fucking great!

Oh, I would love that.

Some people took Brexit hard.

I can't really blame you.

I will say that Gloria taking a while to sign the divorce papers seems perfectly fine to me. There are a lot of emotions involved in any divorce, and often a bunch of pointless and frustrating legal machinations. That seemed very human to me.

Well, that's why it's 'reasonable doubt' not 'beyond all doubt.'

I don't see how he did it the way the prosecution said he did, though. That completely bloodless shed with twenty years of grime on it? No way.

No. It might well be charged as murder because there's no way to prove it was an accident, though.

I think that's what happens, though, when the characters feel thing you at least need events to keep you engaged.

Pets are 'innocent' and humans have done things of their own free will (including the impossible crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time). I don't like it but I kind of get it?

The Church of Violence in Black Lagoon is another TV one.

I'm not sure if that's because he wasn't 100% sentinent or because he'd only been programmed to say one thing. He understood when they gave him permission to shut down.

That robot story was rough.

Well, if you believe in God, I'd like to think you could believe that it might not be that you were never born, more that, in the greater Plan, things would have happened differently—maybe the timing would have been different, that kind of thing. There are more miscarriages in the world (by far) than abortions, which

May 19!

So if your mother had died giving birth along with her infant that's a joy and gift from God? Please. You can find a positive sheen on secularism as easily as you can cast faith in a negative light.

I think that was basically meant to be a throwaway joke.