
My supervisor and director were documenting all of his fuckery for approximately 6 months. Their hands were pretty much tied because he had passed informal probation. Me going to HR only expedited what would have happened to him before his one year probation was up. Also, I didn't "rat" him out. I went with a list of

The thing is, I just don't buy that thing about men not "being as competent" at the admin shit as women. I've heard this a lot, and it's such a crock. Answering the phone is a simple task. So are things like opening a letter and seeing that the contents are actioned or filed appropriately. Don't even get me started on

I work in small office and I'm the only woman. EVERY TIME we have meetings with consultants someone will ask me "Do you know how to work the coffee machine?" while we're all settling into the conference room. What they mean is "Will you make us some coffee?"

Oh, you mean like how I'm the plant controller and in charge of month-end closure of the books but also I supervise the running and emptying of the kitchen dishwasher and also have to organize fucking events for when someone has a birthday / has a baby?

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating

I was a cook, then a restaurant chef (for a hotel), then finally a sous chef for another hotel chain, 7 years in kitchens before I finally burnt all the way out. And in my experience, it's seldom the special requests themselves, its the timing/attitude. Here are my unsolicited tips:

I just wanted to be clear, because you're a little all over the place.

Based on the number of commenters who are ABSOLUTELY APPALLED that any server would mess with a person's food for ANY reason, that is ASSAULT and it is NEVER JUSTIFIED and LOTS OF OTHER WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS and other HORSESHIT, I'm going to assume a lot of people think no one would ever do this. Lol. OK.

In 1981 my dads work required us to live in Ireland for 3 years. It was appalling to see American tourists. At least they were easy to spot. For some reason most of the men wore bright green pants and Hawaiian shirts. (I am totally not even kidding about that. Except that if the pants weren't green, they were canary

Also, just so we are clear, there are plenty of underprivileged parts of Canada. They just get minimal media coverage. It's extremely sad. Just think of a downtrodden community where people lack running water, education and electricity and then put it in the middle of a constant snow storm. In this respect I am

Hahaha. You are kidding right? Correct me by means of example if I am wrong but I don't think that being born American is no less a travellers privilege than being born a Canadian.

Well I am glad you are moving if you are unhappy, and Canada is an excellent choice! But I still don't think you should tell people you are Canadian if you aren't. Sure - come to Canada. But don't lie. We don't like that this side of the boarder. It's not a very nice or Canadian thing to do.

As a Canadian I am both annoying and flattered by this. I hear Americans say this all the time. It really leaves me conflicted. Why not just tell people what you are and then work towards breaking the stereotype?

People like you are the reason no one believes me when I tell them I'm Canadian!



"I think that Lululemon was so successful because I was probably the only straight guy that was making women's apparel"

At a now-defunct Annapolis eatery, I watched a very well-dressed 50-ish year old male customer come in to our humble tavern, order a reasonable appetizer and sandwich, and, when he thought no one was looking, dig up his nose and eat a booger about the size of a paper clip.

This is adorable and utterly charming. If I worked in that kitchen, I would laugh my head off, then give his pizza extra attention to make sure it was absolutely perfect!