
Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

Can we dial back the drama setting in the title please? 

No, it doesn’t. As I said, it’s a little bumpier than normal and there is a bit of rumble from the air over the speed brakes, but other than the very beginning nose over and faster than usual deceleration for the descent, it doesn’t really make much difference, once established in the descent, it’s all the same.

BTDT, took the selfie.

Ok airline pilot here. Depressurizations happen, not super common but anything can break. We have procedures for this, I have done this once actually. We perform whats called an Emergency descent. It’s an emergency procedure that requires getting down to a safe altitude as quickly as possible, this is a unpressurized

This. ^^^

Assuming they were at cruise altitude of 35,000ft, the instant the flight crew received a pressurization warning the likely donned their oxygen masks and busted out their “loss of pressurization” checklist (although some of that checklist might be memory items)

Regardless, once they established oxygen flow and

It was no doubt a rapid controlled descent that pilots are well trained for.

Deliberately misleading clickbait titles? On Jalopnik?! You don’t say

Did the plane “drop” 25,000 feet as the title suggests, or did the plane simply descend 25,000 feet to equalize the cabin pressure, as the actual article suggests?

Cause the title reads like the plane lost pressure and immediately dropped 25,000 feet....which would result in some serious injuries, if not deaths, I

It’s not a “drop” - it’s a controlled descent, just at a faster rate than what would typically be used.  

Fuck off. It’s a miracle if cops even get moved to another town, let alone face any real consequences.

Found the cop.

I would agree but history has shown us that cops are not held accountable and when they are people like you complain and say it is unfair and they were just doing their job.

What’s the reason for police to need to be driving ON the actual beach, a place where people are likely to be lying down in the sand and difficult for a truck to see?

People are pissed when Police seize clearly innocent peoples things. This is a different story. Repeatedly breaking the law with seemingly endless documentation, they could have and should have taken his car a long time ago.

Arrest him. Tow and crush his car. How fucking hard is that to figure out?

The sort of guy that needs to very much not be in the military in order to stop Jan 6th, pt2, happening. Guys like this were the Republican long game, get the trumpiest Trumpy Trumper types into key officer and senior enlisted positions, and you control the army. The military equivalent of regulatory and judicial

you said the same thing 3 times in a row.

Its because we all know exactly what kind of person he is when he said that: Typical white, conservative, Trump-supportin’ piece of shit.