
I think that Kurt Russel would have been a bigger mistake.

I knew it. I knew they were saucer-shaped.

He really goes full “come see me in the adventures of me”. I suspect he could out-do Moore in that regard, if he was ever cast as Bond.

The mistake was to not cast her as every each other character as well.

Wondering what made him think of MIB.

“While diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters.”

It’s called the matrix school of animation.

Maybe they should adapt the novel once, before trying sequels.

I prefer the technical term “flying saucer”.

Actually, stand your ground is sufficient by itself.

The irony is, each time we see a real flying saucer, we just go “oh look, they must have built a night club over that hill”, “lol, what a cool art installation, and “these publicity stunts are intrusive”.

Hello, book that I will buy.

Oddly, I was thinking of the “he’s coming right for us” defense from one of South Park’s first episodes.

Aren’t we all.

Constantine 2

I was struck by the mainstream and dated “extra-sensorial perceptions are the science of the future” premise in The Black Hole. It struck me again after reading The Exorcist, in which telekinesis and telepathy by themselves aren’t seen as proof of supernatural possession, because they are treated as natural abilities

Now playing

I also have a bunch of songs I should probably be ashamed of liking but fuck everyone, I like it.

Pardon my french, but

The oedipian internet sexualization of big vampire lady makes this Resident Evil a bit icky to me, which it too bad, because I was looking forward to a good classic folklore game à la Nosferatu or at least gothic-ish à la Undying. It seemed to offer the kind of atmosphere I loved in Mignola’s Hellboy. But anyway, Zero