
I did also think it meant “game reload”, and I was very curious to see what gimmick could exploit this moment (I’m a good client for that stuff, Sands of Time’s mere “no that’s not how it happened” made me happy). So yes, trying a way to involve the reload into the gameplay or narrative would be nice. Worth thinking

I was about to, but Bruce Spence is a New Zealander.

Oh, also, the first Aliens vs Predator PC game would always play whichever CD you’ve forgotten in your drive.

Even though there’s no such thing as a “powerful martian sandstorm”...

I used to read novels while listening to unrelated movies soundtracks. Sometimes, a scene of the book and a track from the album would match so well that the book would be simply getting an official soundtrack.

Yes, also just rewatched, and damn it was bad. I had high hopes of appreciating it better than the first time, but it was the opposite. Oh the clashing genres, gothic horror (yes, they should have cast Vincent Price) and mickey mouse robots. The super humanization of robots (the shooting contests, the humans ready to

Could be so nice. But facepalm at the beginning (throw a bomb at the sun to light it up) and facepalm at the end (of course, a sunburn so close would turn you into freddy krueger). Why why why didn’t it just... just... dunno, do interstellar without the love dimension black hole or... what’s with these space

It’s not specific to GoT (which ending, again, is only bad in implementation, it’s an okay story with bad storytelling). My point is more general to how endings can retroactively ruin whole stories, whichever their lengths or support. And the most obvious way is when they badly rewrite the past, redefining its meaning

Well, good for you. Your approach shields you from disappointments in many domains of life.

“A journey that begins where everything ends (including that movie).


If you thnk a dumb ending cannot retroactively ruin a story, you haven’t seen enough Christopher Nolan or Luc Besson movies.

I admit it, the viewmaster reel was way better than the movie. But both were unsettling. The ship’s organic red grow, the rolling meteorite, the, well, cybermen. And that somewhat novel ‘black hole’ concept that ends unsatisfyingly unresolved. Awesome design, perfect for 3D pictures that leave the story to your

Mikklesen isn’t required here. The mere prospect of another indiana jones movie terrorizes me.

I don’t have the whole movie context, so I wonder what that white jacket guy had done to him, at 00:25.

There’s the idea, and then there’s the implementation. The last season in some benny hill fast forward shattering all sense of geographical, temporal and psychological progression. Plus, the endorsed fantasy clichés that did also contribute to the series success : the tits-and-gore shock value that established Game of

1970 : “Failure is not an option”, “The crew is coming home”. What an inspiring display of determination, ethics and solidarity ! That’s what the NASA is all about, that’s what America is about ! Let’s make a movie about it.

Also Wolfen/Aliens. It’s very common. Morricone recycled many tunes as well and it doesn’t detract from his quality. Philippe Sarde too. And heck, I’ve just watched Jason and the Argonauts, and it was full of North by Northwest.

My point was really non-specific. It’s that rebellion is a “good” or “bad” side (deserving statues or not) depending only on how comparatively bad or good is the authority they rebel against. In this case, slavery makes it a clear cut stake. The slaver’s side would not deserve statues, whether they won or loss

However, and this is crucial, feel free to imagine the person underneath the Tigger costume as you will. I just assume they are all naked.