
I do agree that it is a really easy and cheap bone to throw people. And everything I hear about working in the videogame creation business sound terrible.

I would guess that its less vindictiveness and more convenience and ease. If you are going to include people that worked on a game, where’s the line? Employed at

Not a creative so I don’t easily grasp the creative ego. But if your name is listed in a place no one reads, is it really listed? Who actually reads or watches game credits?

Still haven’t finished the absolutely opaque and disinteresting slog of a campaign for Infinite. Its hard to over state how badly 343 has handled the story of the IP.

The one interesting bit Halo 5, the final scene, with AIs rising up is completely ignored for some Abrams like tortuous attempt to reboot the original

The grind is real. But what’s the alternative? One massive campaign once a year? The sweaties will burn through it in 2 days and spend the next 363 days moaning about lack of new content.

For me the stress of managing and pursuing all the new weapons is getting to be too much and keeps me from relaxing and just

The kangaroo court crapshow the House is going to be so much laugh so you don’t cry.

Won’t their uterus’ litter the track when they fly out with all the high g turns and acceleration?

A good reminder that Indians can give white people a run for their money in the inherently racist game.

At least in the olden times, homes for people like Bezos were build with the servant staff in mind with separate passages and facilities 

Juse noting that while reading this, a pop up ad for Forever 21 appeared with two clearly under fed models

and it was hosted by a national initiative to highlight how many women who seek abortion care are supposedly pressured by male partners. The message is that men have an even greater responsibility to fight against abortion rights for that reason”

Umm, seems like the simple solution to male pressured abortions would be

The idea of a white person complaining about discrimination sounds like someone looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

As long as the foundational principle of our criminal justice system is innocent until proven guilty, the word of an accuser can’t and must not ever be taken at face value.

Bungie Game Design has always been the opposite of a bell curve. Tons of great design, tons of just ridiculously bad design.

So much of their bad design just wastes tons of the asset work they do and deny so much fun. Case in point, the Whisper and Old Tower dungeons with their time limits.

These were great

Running the same nightfall 8-10 times is the opposite of fun or interesting.

Ironic is how much the men that lean into and drive purity culture miss out. They have no idea of what they lose by denying women the chance to be confident, independant, self-actuated sexual people.

Sex with a woman who enjoys sex on her own terms is infinitely better than a woman who is trying to do her best

Your take on Christian theology certainly is understandable. Its probably unfortunately held by many Christian’s themselves. But let me suggest some slightly different interpretations, from within a Christian Theological position:

1) A god that created humans to be curious then immediately punished them severely and

Restitution should reflect the valus of the dead person. In this case, the deceased family should be paying her for taking out their trash.

How much do we need graphic sex scenes at all?

Read the linked CNN article. She has been pro choice for some time.

A Brit on hot LA tarmac?    They aren't a people meant for that.