
No, he statistically doesn’t. Just saying a thing doesn’t make it a thing.

Slightly? Have you seen Berlin?

This is a weird dude.

Last word.

Fuck every network that gives her a platform. They’re complicit in her being a thing at all.

I immediately stopped watching after he said, “Super Mario bros.”

I like how blatantly bad you are a trolling.

Here, we’ll do it this way. I’m just gonna type “last word” at you from now on until you get frustrated and give up.

Yeah, I don’t really care about your, “Well, actually...”

I realize one is fucking stupid and one is perfectly logical.

It’d be great if they had spent any of this time teaching her how to not look like the human equivalent of wood in front of the camera. She’s sooooo fucking awkward.

You’re an idiot.

Oh, I get that you’d still be obnoxious and awful. I just wanted to say it regardless. <3

Shut up.

Then you don’t actually follow politics at all.

Who gives a fuck if he’s white?

Whatever you believe in — luck, Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Great Goddess, or Other, He/She/They/It should be thanked over and over again.

Or, alternatively, just like how it’s always been since forever, they’ll be fine and nothing will happen to them, because the world is garbage.

It’ll be cool when he dies someday.

it’s clear the XFL intends to force players to stand for the national anthem.

So, this can’t just be shitty people owned by wealthy donors doing shit to undercut each other because they’re all garbage? Because it sounds like they’re all garbage, people of color or not.