
I can feel sorry for her, and think she completely deserves her misery at the same time.

Funny how adamant they are about the people wanting to see the birth certificate but not his taxes. Nobody but the press and millions of humans. But other than that, nobody wants to see it.

To be fair that’s just his face

When you know the guy with the checkbook and “personal security” detail has frontal lobes that look like desiccated cauliflower on an MRI, it’s best to tread lightly.

alternative theory based on Ivanka’s expression (grinning wider, raising her eyebrows) is that Trump was looking directly at the woman he WISHED was his wife but sadly he isn’t a Lannister.

Here’s another angle:

This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

My racist uncle posted on Facebook “I think calling someone a ‘racist’ is way more offensive than anything Trump has ever said.”

Most people don’t understand why someone would want to go through life alone, without a partner.

This article hit very close to home and made me ugly cry. The good news is I don’t celebrate Christmas so it didn’t ruin the morning for me.

By all accounts I’m failing as a 36 year old adult in that I’m single and don’t really have friends in this new place I’ve moved to (I’ve been here 2 years). Let’s not forget

You could be my twin! Hey internet-twin! Only difference is I’m in my 30s and never had a relationship at all. Sigh. I especially identify with what you say about being almost too good at being alone.

I’ve been by myself for 7 and a half years and I’m so tired of being lonely. I’m an introvert and I function far too well on my own, but I so badly want to find love.  

This is resonating with me like mad. I’ve always known in my gut that I’d be alone. and your description of this purgatory we get placed in, this holding pattern, is spot on. I will say that for me, the loneliness has reached a peak this year, and I’ve never felt quite so low and un-connected to people. The idea that

My aunt is single, never been married, has no kids, and took early retirement. She now draws her pension and also teaches kids with learning difficulties part time. She travels with her friends or alone (she has a youth hostel card and makes use of it!), dyes her hair mad colours and goes to shows/conventions for

Goddammit. Almost with the tears again. Only because I had this convo with my twitter friend ... who wants me to come visit him, and we were discussing our relative heartbreaks and current dating situations.

Happy Chanukah?

I’ve never identified with a Jezebel post so much. I’ve been single for 15 years (I’m 30), not for lack of trying. I’ve given up trying to talk to my friends and family about how much it sucks and how much I’d love to have a partner because the reply is invariably “try harder. Lose weight. Join a club. Lower your