
Something like this happened to me when I was thirteen. I was groped in an elevator by the father of a classmate. I never told anyone except for a couple of friends when I was in college. I feel people will dismiss this woman’s account because “it’s not like he raped her,” or this does not “count as assault” or maybe

I was expecting a Lucky Blue Smith type or something. This guy looks like run of the mill eurotrash and about on part with her (physically)


To each his/her own, but... no.

The internalized misogyny that I have been seeing on display these past few days is deeply upsetting.

And yet, from the NYT:

and here’s why he not only won’t learn a lesson, but fail to realize there’s a lesson at all...

He didn’t do opposition research on himself because a) he has no idea how to run a political campaign and b) I still maintain he never had any intention to go the distance with the whole running for president thing, it’s just that his legend of himself doesn’t include quitting or dropping out, so all along the plan

I’m glad they waited, doesn’t give him a chance to recuperate and doesn’t give the Republicans a chance to replace him.

I think they waited because a supporter told me “Everyone will forget about this in a few weeks” when talking about the pussygate video. If it happened months ago, he would have a chance to redeem himself. Since it just came out, he doesn’t have that chance.

Thank you so much for linking to this story. I’m absolutely in tears after reading it. I cannot believe he is a presidential candidate, much less a human being.

This story is the most hideous so far. The part about him telling the reporter they’d have an affair right before super preggo Melania walked back in and then switching to being a “doting” husband... ugh ugh ugh ugh.

That gif... Could anything be more barforific?

Fuck any grown man that goes by the name “Billy”.

Witnesses claim Bush “bragged” about the existence of the Access Hollywood tape while in Rio—suggest its discovery was partly his fault.


She is the biggest proponent of sexism, and has defended “lookism” too. MAybe getting a taste of the horrors of sexism and verbal abuse that she dishes out will cause her to do some soul searching.

Speaking of horses...

Normally I’d be against the relentless abuse of a dumb animal, but I’m ok in Ann Coulter’s case.