
It’s the latter. She felt coerced into doing it especially since it was sprung on her and the whole butter thing wasn’t in the original script or something

He’ll just say the the note was fake

Yesterday, it was a story of two girls going as rape victims. Today, it’s about a guy dressing as the rape drug. Wtffff

You know, I actually am not buying this “Scientology broke us up” crap. Her diva attitude is RIDICULOUS, and that’s probably the primary reason for the break-up

It was AWFUL and so was her performance. She was mostly wooden, disinterested, cold, amatuerish, and lacking empathy. And in some moments she was over the top and trying so hard to be “badass”. It was a big fucking mess

If Trump is remotely good looking then you might as well say Hitler wasn’t a genocidal racist maniac. WTF?

Hmmm well I don’t think this is entirely true because she has written an op-ed about fighting for equal pay in Hollywood, and she’s stuck to her guns about it despite the ignorant “poor rich girl” jokes. She posted on her fb page about being against the Dakota access pipeline. She’s defended Planned Parenthood. She’s

I don’t know what that means, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m right

I watched the video, and I heard consensual. I’m glad that she was believed when she said that she misheard it

I agree with you. My personality is actually more like JLaw’s than any other celebrity, but someone needs to give this memo to the media. I just feel bad for other female celebrities whose publicists are now probably telling them to be more like JLaw to be relatable or something

I’m confused about this lawsuit. The guy accused said his boss was the one who did it and not him. But Taylor said this dude did it and not the boss. It’s weird how the guy would say his boss did it

Im so fucking tired of people siding with Nate Parker by turning it into some white conspiracy against him. It pisses me off so much

Cops are legit stupid and misogynistic and sexist hyenas (on top of being racist)

I don’t think he intentionally mumbled. His voice is that way. He’s a typical white frat bro with a Neanderthal’s voice

Btw, how did she mishear what the rapist’s friend asked in the phone call? He asked did you have consensual sex, and she said yes. She said she misheard it, which I believe, but I want to know what did she hear? I can understand why misheard him. The friend sounds like a TYPICAL white frat bro

Rape apologists say that victims should go to the police immediately. Well here is a victim who did just that, and it was a terrible process for her. Look at all that had to happen to get this vile POS finally charged

And you know they were false how? False accusations aren’t rampant. They’re like 3% according to the FBI

Is that supposed to be an insult? I believe in fairness and being rewarded based on merit and not based on how awesome someone’s personality is when it comes to acting. Except for her nomination in Winter’s Bone, her win and nominations after was because of her personality and not the quality of her performances which

It clearly is because she gets nominated for sub-par performances

lol she’s not using Botox