
Honestly, I never understood how some people could get engrossed in celebrity gossip and drama until the possibly PR relationship with Taylor and Tom started and the drama associated with her name since then. I click on every single article having to do with her and the drama she’s involved in. What a mess. And I LOVE

So what?

Okay stop. This is hardly a case of Taylor being an evil white person. I mean she’s a shady asshole, but she’s not trying to take advantage of black talent here

Hey it might as well be one because Ms. Litigious As Fuck is probably gonna look to sue his ass for recording the phone call on video without her knowledge and consent

No she said HE didn’t know who she was

I mean to be fair, people can say that Kim only posted a few minutes of the call so we don’t know the “full” story. But Taylor still looks bad imo

His peen? I feel like his penis is about as thick as Ticonderoga #2 pencil. I know it’s so weird, but tall and skinny guys like him turn me off because I feel like their penises are “skinny” too :/

But there were never any Tom pics on her IG to begin with. They were on her friends’ accounts but not hers

Um there were never any pics of Tom on her Instagram to begin with

Wait, when did she say “You thought you made me famous”? I definitely saw the snap where she said “You didn’t even know me before that happened”

I think it’s way more offensive that he said he thinks he might have sex with her. That to me is utterly disgusting and offensive

The general consensus is at least a few months...

Really? How many people meet their parents after a few weeks of dating and wear a t-shirt proclaiming their love for their SO?

True which is what leads me to believe this is probably real, and he’s not doing it to get the role of Bond

So you’re not bothered that you sound lowkey racist with your “snot faced Akbar” comment?

I wish Paul Ryan was a progressive liberal so I wouldn’t have to feel bad for being sexually attracted to him. I think he’s hot okay?

Fair point but at least Gawker articles are in favor of diversity and doesn’t argue that it’s racist to have diversity

I forgot she supports Polanski. That’s incredibly disgusting to me

Dog forbid you wander intellectually, and don’t self-deprecate enough - especially as a woman.

I don’t get it