
But the report includes actual witness testimonies like this article mentioned. Any investigation from either side would have found this out. How do you take that with a grain of salt? It's not like this investigator is giving an opinion. He's trying to gather facts

Question: why wouldn’t the insurer pay for it? Isn’t the point of insurance to be covered when bad stuff happens? I'm just trying to understand how this all works?

God I hope they fry this pig.

K well they need to grow thick skin clearly if they’re offended and turned off by doing the right thing because boohoo people make “white people lol” jokes.

Because they think rape victims always get sympathy by default because they think times have changed since rape is illegal even though that’s not reality

I remember this story. What a nasty disgusting asshole she is. I doubt she’s sorry. She’s just sorry that she’s being reprimanded for it

Because they rightly assume that because they’re small town, this stuff won’t make news so kudos to The Slot for paying attention

Is he respectful of women and minorities and stuff? do you still love him? I’m sorry, but that would shatter my world. Like Trump is a neo-Nazi, and someone who supports him is someone I would not look at the same way again especially if they were a loved one. But then again, I guess it’s easier to live with it if it is a loved one and explain away their

What the fuck? You’re married to a Trump supporter?

You’re giving him way too much credit. “Very often”? No. It’s “rarely”

I’m glad but just know that you are an endangered species.

I hope he’ll re-examine it instead of being like “This is more proof of liberals spreading their propaganda!”

LOL sit your hyperbolic and false equivalency creating ass down, bro.

I’ll welcome him if he continues seeing the light from now on but considering he went on Fox the next day and spewed anti-BLM and “All lives matter” crap, I’m not so optimistic

Almost a decade? Girl, more like DECADES

Um because they’ve demonstrated for decades that they are incapable of being logical on several issues...

Um no. It’s because as VeggieTart said:

Yeah but at least, we make sense over here (for the most part)