
I read that article, and I actually do agree with some parts of it. I’m also a strong believer in due process (after reading and hearing about so many cases of wrongful convictions and prosecutorial misconduct and denial of due process (some of those cases being rape btw), I can’t abandon that principle), and I do

My jaw dropped reading that. This guy is a piece of dog shit

Damn, since those were her claims, yeah those pics definitely will go against her. Shit, I hate to say it, but I guess this piece of shit judge may have made a fair call if you look at her claims of social isolation and social reticence.

No no, what Space Moth is saying that the victim claimed DAMAGES in a civil suit.She claimed that she became socially isolated and socially reticent, and I hate to say it but those pics probably were like “the smoking gun” so to speak. Those pics are, to the ignorant jury who doesn’t know post-assault behavior of

contradictions of a judge who campaigned as tough on sexual predators and a vocal advocate of victims.

Sam Bee’s tweet was just the cherry on top the cake. LOVE IT

I’m...I’m livid. I didn’t think it could get worse than his piece of shit father’s defense. This idiot by the name of Leslie PERFECTLY illustrates just exactly what is wrong with people’s idea of a rapist and rape. They think rape is a “legitimate rape” if it’s a modestly dressed woman being attacked by some ugly

Can journalism schools and programs fucking teach the students how to cover stories of rape? Can the schools declare it unethical to talk about the accused rapist’s “promising future” and the victim’s sexual history and clothing of choice at the time of the rape? The media is part of the problem of rape culture. It’s

You can be on your kid’s side without being abhorrent about it

I wonder if this piece of shit’s piece of shit father would say the same thing if he had a daughter who was raped. I get that this father is supporting his son, but this is fucking insulting. It also gives insight into why his son did what he did. It’s clear now. His son wasn’t taught how to be good person and respect

You can do both too. Amy is working with her cousin Chuck Schumer who’s in the Senate

Did you ever get bitterness your way or comments like “Stop being so sensitive” when you challenged their sexism?

#relationshipgoals Honestly, it’s so sexy when a guy is woke as fuck

It’s weird that I weigh like 50lbs less than Amy (we’re the same height, 5'7), but I have a fucking “baby bump” for a stomach while she seems to have an almost flat stomach. I look like a really skinny pregnant girl. Not fair :’(

See it’s so sad that you had to leave because of the sexism, and this contributes to the vicious cycle of there not being enough women. I hear idiots say, “Why don’t women just go into engineering then since that field doesn’t have a lot of women? No one is stopping them.” Uh actually your sexism is one of the

The thing that still baffles me every single time is the severity of the utter stupidity/illogic. These fuckers think that talking about women more or even talking about women at all is the same thing as persecuting males. They see everything as a see-saw when it fucking isn’t. Like they think giving women equal

Ohhhh okay. But where do you stand on SJWs?

LOL I think Obama is awful, and his drone campaigns are one of my biggest problems with him. As for lions and gorillas, that dentist is a piece of shit, and the zoo made the right call with saving the kid. Try again, fucker.

OT: Can you explain your handle? I’m confused

Well thanks for letting us know that you’re trash