
Well, anti-depressants, combined with talk therapy, are the standard treatments for depression. Giving Manning hormones will escalate: first it's hormones, bras, and makeup. How long before Manning demands to be moved into a female facility? Treating a depressed person generally does not lead to increasing demands and

You guys dismiss us anyway, so that wouldn't be anything new. It's amazing that you can't see or even try to hear what gay people say because it doesn't impact you or isn't your experience. That's the definition of privilege. What you've said is the equivalent of crying "reverse racism" or "misandry" when confronted

Why can't we have something without you all glomming onto it? What, have we moved from straight until proven guilty to bi until proven guilty? Bisexual appropriation is one of my pet peeves. It is homophobic and it is gay erasure. You have straight privilege, so be happy with your privileged heterosexuality. This is

Don't speak to him. You're giving tacit approval to his racism. Imagine what other type of "fun" he gets into when you're not around. I can promise you that this bigotry doesn't confine itself to other groups you might get a bit more upset about. What you're willing to let slide is ultimately what you stand for. This

Don't bother. You'll be deluged with comments about how not wearing a bra and makeup is actually life threatening. They'll tell you it's like not giving him lung transplant. Maybe Manning should learn to make due like the thousands of members of the military who can't get treatment for PTSD or concussive head

Do autopsy results count?

I'm starting to think that this whole 2014 thing is a typo. We're actually in 201.

I wouldn't presume to speak for her, but I'm appalled, scandalized, and outraged that this woman was not allowed to terminate her pregnancy, was force fed (this is an internationally recognized human rights violation), and then had a c-section, a surgical procedure, inflicted upon her against her consent all for a

This is nothing but homophobic casuistry. I'm those persons who would have had their vision improved appreciate this meaningless, unscientific, and abjectly stupid policy. This has annoyed me greatly.

Well, sometimes you can't count on the good will of others just yet. If this sways even a few people, then it can get them to the point that they may get to know a gay person and see that we're just the same: people just trying to get in about the business of our lives, protect our families, pay our fair share of

I love "megalolz!" I will be stealing this entire quote and megalolz!

Anonymous revealed that the police Chief of Ferguson flies the Confederate Flag in their home! There's even one on his son's bedroom. They have the pictures to prove it. Robert E. Lee rises again, I see.

I know not very many feel up to the task, but you can join the protests. It is important to have white faces in the crowd to show that white men feel this too. Find a place of peaceful protest, bring a camera phone, and stay safe.

Ah, there's the male privilege you say you don't have. You don't like what a woman has to say, you tell her to fuck off. Are you gonna tell me to make you a sandwich next?

I don't know if this snark or not, but I'm grateful if it isn't. Women, especially lesbians, aren't allowed to voice our concerns. We're shouted down, shamed, and called bigots. Can you imagine me being told that lesbianism is bigotry and my not having a right to protest? That's the most hypocritical thing about this

We could see Future by looking to the past.

Thank you! As Jay Z says, you can't change a player's game in the ninth inning. Anyway, there is a reason why she is called Ci-Error. Her career is done. I used to call them "Future and The Past."

I'm not ashamed to say that I'm addicted to LHHA. The New York version is dull, but Mama Dee, Stevie, the Puerto Rican Princess and her non-singing ass, Rasheeda's mother, Mimi's stupidity/lies, the delusions of musical grandeur are my shit. I'm devastated that the season finale is next week. However, I heard the

See, trolls? This is how you do it. Rather than sucking my teeth in disgust or just wanting to slice an ear off of C.A.'s head for posting the same lame gore gif which I would have dismissed as him being an asshole who shits the bed, he lured me in and managed to outrage me 29 times in one post. This is some clever

Oh, I've had an awakening since then and I have decided to take a stand for myself and like minded people. The apology I gave her was real and it was heartfelt and genuine. I meant it. I meant it because I wrongly assumed that any movement that is for social justice would be just to me and other oppressed minorities.