My mom and I are having a dispute over what is going on here. Did the dog sniff it, dislike it, and then smack it down or was he just playing/it was an accident? We need you to settle this familial internet dispute.
My mom and I are having a dispute over what is going on here. Did the dog sniff it, dislike it, and then smack it down or was he just playing/it was an accident? We need you to settle this familial internet dispute.
Maybe I misunderstood you, but the term "reducing transgender women to their 'sexy bits'" is a near universal term used to shame people. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that exact phrase (with different terms for vaginas and penises transgender women have) to say, "You're a shallow bigot who doesn't think…
If she owns Blackwater stock she's in for bad news that she's been scammed because Blackwater no longer exists,has changed names twice (Xe and Academi) and is privately held.
You don't think dragging the appalling rape, torture, and conscription of children in the Sudan into this isn't mean? Also, your use of "urban" and typing the way you think black people speak isn't mean? I'm here to tell you that it is a filthy and horrible thing to invoke that suffering for your campaign to force…
Your mom should have swallowed.
That's what you took from this?
Tl;dr: stop calling my reproductive organs sexy bits; stop pretending my reproductive system/vagina is the same as that of a transgender woman; stop pretending it isn't a violation not to be honest with a person you might hook up with.
I don't know why people are so blinded and confused about the need to be brutally honest about the circumstances of segments if the population's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is particularly high. Being politically correct shouldn't even be a tiny consideration when you're not only dealing with a vulnerable population,…
I love how people act like it should be no big deal if you see a dick when you expected a vagina. Sillier still, the people who've got the nerve to say this also say that you should always consider the fact that some women have dicks. There are about 700,000 transgender people in the US. Asking the rest of the…
I also thought it was a commentary on how no one really sees the faces of sex workers, but just a set of legs and bodies on the stroll. Sex workers are faceless and blurring the faces, as some suggested would be better, implies that we see them at all which we don't.
Well, math has never been my strong suit so I don't really know how to create an algorithm to measure the shittiness of an individual and how that would correspond to the fees we'd have to pay these other nations to take these shitbags off of our hands. But, I still think it is a viable program.
I would take ten million if it meant we could get rid of one of you
Tl;dr: Mayweather was only right if you think that abusing and manipulating abuse for the purpose of getting under an opponent's skin which is a shitty opinion to hold.
I can't stand how perpetual moralizer and dickrider Stephen A. Smith kisses Mayweather's ass. The worst was when he blasted T.I.'s wife over a fight Mayweather started with T.I. at Fatburger. His dickriding now extends to shitting on a woman and commenting on her mothering skills even though Mayweather choked his…
I wonder if Republicans would stand up for Jehovah's Witnesses refusing to pay for a cancer patient, hemophiliac, or accident victim employee to get a blood transfusion under their insurance plans. Or, if a small business owner decided that antibiotics were abortion pills even though that is untrue. You cannot…
I note their show is called "D&C," which reminds me of how his mom squandered the ability to prevent this from happening.