
Manduka! Same cost, but not Lululemon. Again: Not Lululemon.

Seriously. TRY IT. It's the best. The only downside is that it's not hookup friendly. It can't be used with condoms.

To answer this question, I think you really need to ask why women have to cover up at all. Women aren't forced to cover up to protect their modesty because they *aren't* objectified, they're forced to cover up because they were never not objectified to begin with.

I second this. LUBE.

Economic conservatism =/= indentured servitude to big business.

I am absolutely not condemning the fetish, but examining and/or condemning the things around it. Trinaglekitty's response was excellent, so I'll let that do the talking.

Bahahahaha. Nowhere where it's common, I promise. I was pointing toward the general trend in porn of violence against women.

Yes, exactly! Thank you for responding to that comment.

I think I tapped into a lot of pent up anger because these discussions usually get shut down so fast by pro-porn feminists (see even, HermioneStranger's response to me in this very thread which is a petty ad hominem and a straw-man). I think a lot of women are usually in the middle or undecided camp regarding porn, or

I think you are confused about my rant.

Yes, that was absolutely my (multiple) point(s). Uuugggghhh, it's so awful how I voiced my opinion—even labelled as a rant—and tried to stimulate a discussion about the role of porn in women's lives instead of shutting the fuck up. Hint: these are the same convos we have when it comes to things like plastic surgery.

That's a great compliment!

No, I don' think rosebudding (god forbid, haha) is about to become common - I was discussing the trend towards violence.

Ha, thanks! I do not. :)

What Jezebel left out in it's reporting is the why, as well as some other important facts.

Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and