
Seriously. I’ll be doing my best to avoid supporting any company that is kind to the orange menace.

I hope so. I keep hoping for anything to bring him down in the next couple months. Pence is horrific idea-wise, and we’ll have to fight him just as much, but I don’t think he would’ve built this same kind of rabid following, and they’re so much of the problem.

Where did this come from? I’ve seen it around today, and I just want to see more from the source. (I hope it’s accurate! Go, little baby voters!)

I was really looking forward to today- the day I’d uninstall the Trump>Drumpf Chrome filter. I was tired of seeing Drumpf everywhere. A full filter erasing of him is the only answer, I think.

I woke up crying, and definitely cried at work (with my office door closed, mostly, but also in front of a couple coworkers who feel similarly horrified). I don’t think most people get how much it *hurts*; it’s more than politics or republican vs democrat. I was doing ok, and then I just talked to my mom and she said

Seriously what the fuck, New Hampshire?! They said she’s losing in a county Obama won by like 25 points.

We may need to cut Florida loose. Also Michigan! Fucking Michigan. If Hillary wins there and MN, I will feel much better.

I’ve really been thinking about this. I’ve heard a lot of “I’m happy to have a woman president, I just wish it wasn’t heeerrrr”. With all the shit she’s been through, and all that she WILL go through as the first female pres, I don’t know that there’s anyone better for the job. Say what you will about her; she has

Exactly! When someone groped me, I stood there like “holy shit what the hell just happened did he really do that” as he walked away. That was NOT CONSENT. And he was just a regular random person. I can’t imagine dealing with a different power dynamic in that kind of situation.

“I became paranoid that I would get in an accident or something before election day.” ME TOO. I was going to just wait until Tuesday, but I started thinking “What if I die before then?” and decided to go last weekend. Can’t be too safe.

I voted for Nader too. I live in Massachusetts, so I felt pretty safe doing that, but honestly I’m not sure I’d make that decision again. I may have perma election anxiety after this year.

One of the things that has depressed me so much during this election is that apparently being completely shameless WORKS. Trump can say something on tv in front of millions of people and then turn around the next day and say “I didn’t say that”. He can lose a debate in every scientific poll then go on twitter and say

That’s why I love this so much! I would never watch this show, but I will for sure tune in for a Beyonce / Dixie Chicks performance. Having both, together, is so perfect.

Wtf is “healthy as a bull” even supposed to mean in this context? That only he has enough... stamina... to tweet?

Right? In the letter, Reid is saying he KNOWS there are ties between Trump / his campaign and Russia, and he knows that from talking to Comey and other security officials! I wonder if that, if publicized, will cast the same suspicions as this “there are emails from Huma on Weiner’s laptop”. (I mean clearly it sounds

This is what I’m considering doing. This whole election has been a trainwreck I can’t take my eyes off; now I’m thinking of voting tomorrow and tuning everything out until election night. LATE, election night.

I was trying to conjure a mental image of Trump the other day (because I hate myself?), and I seriously could only picture Alec Baldwin. I don’t know why I was unable to see the real face of the Orange Menace, but it definitely made me happy. Maybe someday his face... and his voice... and his words will be a distant,

How the fuck do people not see the ridiculousness of saying you fear a dictatorship, while supporting censorship of the press, jailing your opponent, hacking and releasing your opponent’s campaign emails, voter intimidation, and threats of violence if the election doesn’t turn out the way you want? HOW ARE PEOPLE SO

My favorite is 1/2 peppermint, 1/2 vanilla. So good.