
I actually wonder why one would. She's so cold and emotionless. I feel like you'd get lonely in a relationship with her.

There's still time. I'm holding out hope until the bitter end. Although, at this point, I'm not sure why Carey'd want to.

Yes, I think he's basically a cash cow they put up with.

Let's hope.

The one where he shared his childhood experience of being a crazed chess competitor? All I could think during that is "how are these people not asking themselves what kind of nut you have to be to have been that crazed about exterminating your chess competitors at the age of 14?"

And the suits. A sartorial sub-plot?

It seems pretty certain that Sean is out of the picture at some point soon - not certain if that's forever or just for a while.

I get your point - I was being (obviously unsuccessfully) sarcastic because the "so" in that sentence implies that it is because Frank only fathered Lip that Monica could have had two kids in one year. Like I said - unsuccessful sarcasm there.

Is Frank somehow limited to successfully impregnating women only once a year? That's a new twist I hadn't heard before.

Somewhere, off screen, the Fiona who managed the coffee can stash fell on her head and was replaced by "I'll just pawn my ex's grandma's wedding ring and it'll all work out somehow" Fiona.

Just wanted to let you know that "two dudes who happen to be standing next to each other" is the most accurate description of the chemistry between these two I've seen. Made me laugh out loud - so thanks.

(A) totally agree with you on the too many characters and shallow story lines issue. I'm also wondering if the issue with the narrative is that the writing team isn't sure when they'll be asked to put a big bow on the series so they're afraid to get too far into a deep story for fear they'll have to jump out and tie

So, my question throughout this episode is how Fiona could not have been thinking ahead to the fact that even if Frank was coming up with the money for all those deposits, that he'd never - in a million years - end up paying the balance. So, was she anticipating that she'd still pay for half (and where was she

At this point, that's the one good thing Frank could actually do.

That, actually, would probably help the series because you'd get a chance to see some of these characters go live lives as opposed to circling the drain over and over again.

He's the child of a completely non-functioning family, so he has no chance of being classified as "emotionally healthy" He's dealing with his issues by drinking/becoming an alcoholic. That could be self-medication for a chronic mental illness, or it could be a way to deaden the anxiety, emotional unpleasantness of

Yes, but she did tell the kid it was okay - that she was on the pill. And we know that her intention was to create a little fantasy family based on having seen Derek's brother's wife/girlfriend and kid. So, yes, Derek should have been more careful, but Debbie wanted this to happen. It wasn't a surprise for her at all.

I think he either got a GED or managed to graduate. A couple of episodes ago Ian and Fiona were lecturing Debbie about not graduating and Debbie called out Fiona (who said something like "yeah, but I got my GED") but not Ian - So, that made me think that Ian is supposed to have graduated at some unseen point.

I'm with you - there have just been too many things with him that have rubbed me the wrong way. Here's hoping that Ian calls Caleb out on this. From the very beginning Caleb has treated Ian as his little fixer-upper project, but he's a person, not a piece of found metal. He's not just something nice to look at that's

As a young teen/tween right at that time, porn seemed to be pretty easy to find - video and magazines were just about in anyone's homes.