
They may need to in Tuan's case, though, because I doubt he's the age of a high school student.

I completely forgot about that! And Laurie Holden almost died with him in the CDC explosion, but bailed at the last second.

The Deirdre disguise is maybe the best one Philip has gotten. It looks basically like him, just with more hair. He always gets those awful wigs - the airline pilot one is sooo bad.

The way Mischa said "forget father?" just killed me. He was simultaneously incredulous, devastated and ready to do it if needed.

Wow, thanks for commenting, I love info like this! Very cool!

I think they usually put it up on the Disney XD app on Saturday mornings, or they used to.

Plus they could literally just walk right through the shield, so the shock and awe was really just that.

I doubt gossip is really an issue on a ship that small and a crew that tightly knit. They all know what's up, it's just not talked about - whether because it's Disney, it's Star Wars or it's gross because Hera and Kanan are the de facto crew parents.

Agree, but he did have that great episode with Kallus and one good scene at one point where he was an American flag bandana away from being the Lasat version of a 'Nam vet.

I think Ezra's mistrust of Kallus could still come into play, but now that Kallus is on the Ghost it's less likely to matter. I predicted a few weeks ago that Ezra would get the Ghost crew to turn against Kallus and Kallus would sacrifice himself to save them, which could still happen down the line, but it's at least

The one good thing I can say about Ezra is that he countered Kanan's assertion that he doesn't have anything left to teach by saying that now he just needs a good role model to teach him about life. I like that. Still doesn't bode well for Kanan's mortality, but he has use yet. Ezra still has a lot of growing up to do.

Bendu ex machina! Stole my line, ha.

Well, damn. That was a terrific episode, and not just "terrific…for Rebels." Appropriately tense, exciting and well paced…I'm satisfied. I'm not a huge space battle fan either (especially in Star Wars where it sort of bothers me how badly everyone misses all the time), but I actually kinda loved this one - all those

It would have been interesting if no one believed what had happened and was just furious with him for leaving and destroying an A-wing. If Ezra is going to fall to the Dark Side (which I'm not convinced is going to happen, but if it does), the show would do well to start sowing the seeds - they already have the cocky

I liked it - Maul's Shakespearean monologue to the desert sands, Ezra's admission that his hubris had likely gotten them killed, the short duel that somehow felt right (even leaving aside all the Qui-Gonn duel allusions). Some of the visuals were just breathtaking (especially the overhead shot of Ezra and Chopper

I'm a huge fan of the original animated movie, and I thought this was enjoyable, but fell wide of the mark in some places. There were some dialogue changes that were baffling - for example, Mrs. Potts saying "he loves her" rather than the Beast, which robbed the movie of the beautiful moment where the Beast is finally

I abhor Kate and Mim-Mim. My daughter is completely obsessed with it. Kate's voice is so aggressively obnoxious that I have to assume her parents are on some serious drugs to be able to put up with her. I did kind of like the Oz episode, though.

Exactly. The villains should clearly be at their school, presenting as either the schoolkid version of their villain personas (Romeo as the nerdy science kid, Night Ninja as the jock, Lunagirl as the…I dunno, skater girl? Musical theater diva?), or the exact opposite of their alter egos. I really wish I spent less

I have so many questions about PJ Masks. The villains are kids, right? So do they go to their school? It would be kind of neat (inasmuch as anything in that show can be neat…I kind of hate it) to see the villains in their daytime personas. Otherwise I'm like…so are these the homeschoolers or what?

The show being for kids helps in that regard - they couldn't get away with that in anything meant for an older crowd. And it was a pretty funny scene, especially when they skipped forward to the end of the trip and AP-5 was *still* repeating "yes I can." In hindsight it actually helps explain a little better why Wedge