
The Santa Ana Winds was just wonderful. The song was a total earworm and delightful. Great episode.

And it's interesting that Nathaniel has been making fun of Josh for, essentially, being too normal.

And I was also glad that Paula did come through for Rebecca in her own way, so it didn't create a "you didn't help me with my wedding" conflict.

Yes! I could barely understand any of the lyrics. It was weird.

Did they know it was headed to a Star Destroyer? I'm telling myself they thought it was headed for a smaller ship or base where it would do less destruction. I don't know, I have a hard time having any sympathy for Imperials but something about it sat weird with me. Maybe it was Kallus' reaction (see my comment after

I liked this episode because I have a soft spot for Zeb episodes, but it sure wasn't perfect. There was Zeb's terrible judgment in implicitly trusting the droid, of course, but also how expository it was (although I was watching it with my 6-year-old and he seemed okay with that), especially when the characters really

As a fellow trash shipper I CANNOT WAIT!

As a Jewish atheist (who struggles with atheism), I LOVED Rabbi Shari's joy that Rebecca was "questioning." It is SO HARD to explain to non-Jews that Jewish atheist isn't really an oxymoron and that the crux of Judaism is questioning faith and God. I got tears in my eyes when she said that, and not just because I was

Ooh I didn't see the preview, what's the gist?

Oh, I've noticed. I thought Paula was getting a realistic handle on the situation, and I was so disappointed when she was cheerleading for Josh in the previous episode. Ugh.

Moviefone! Thanks, I couldn't hear that one. That was a great running joke.

I can understand that, but when the storylines aren't the best the songs keep me coming back. I start every episode excited to see what they came up with this week.

As an East Coast Jew (not NY but my family is from there), whenever this show gets Jewish it is incredibly, sometimes frighteningly relevant to my life.

It was also to introduce Darryl's wacky personality and his tendency to get really really almost inappropriately into stuff.

I'm so with you!! I think there were elements of truth in both sides - yes, of course Jewish people like to talk of our history of suffering, even at happy events (breaking glass at a wedding comes to mind), but Rebecca completely missed the point and was using it as an excuse to complain about HER suffering.

The O.C. reference made me cackle. I had totally forgotten about how many beach bonfires that show had.

Yes! I loved this episode for that reason. Having been an awkward teen girl in the late 90s with the advent of instant messaging, I completely related to Tina (and to some extent Jimmy Jr.). Great episode.

I thought the same thing. There's normally not so much Jimmy Jr., and extended JJ scenes do highlight the similarities in their voices (it's almost painful to consider how HJB does the lisp).

This is what I was getting at. Kanan wasn't an exceptionally advanced Force user before he was blinded, so his recent confidence and incredible feats seem a little unbelievable. I love the idea that he's actually improving in his abilities when he has to let go of his dependence on sight, but has that actually been

I think it's building to Ezra joining the dark side…Anakin was cocky and overly confident as well.