The girl to the right in the pic looks like a post-wedding disaster!!
The girl to the right in the pic looks like a post-wedding disaster!!
None of the codes for the phone cases or screen protectors are working :(
None of the codes for the phone cases or screen protectors are working :(
I heard from another forum that costco had the bamboo pillows in a standard density and that they were nice! Like $15 or $20 with a carry case.
I heard from another forum that costco had the bamboo pillows in a standard density and that they were nice! Like…
The cover of the pillow is great - soft but nice fabric - it was the foam inside that killed it. Maybe I got a dude but once the foam expanded, I wasn’t able to “squish” it into anything - I could fluff it to different areas and use it as a prop against my back but the firmness of the foam stayed at about the level of…
The cover of the pillow is great - soft but nice fabric - it was the foam inside that killed it. Maybe I got a dude…
The thing about how firm this is is that it stays firm - it’s quite thick and not very malleable, so if you want something to stay elevated, this will probably work - personally I have neck problems so can’t use this type of support (at least not at this level). I would take some time to “fluff” it up also as the…
The thing about how firm this is is that it stays firm - it’s quite thick and not very malleable, so if you want…
So about the pillow because I’ve also purchased one - 1. The seller is a tool and it will take up to 2 weeks to get your pillow via SurePost. 2. The king size is FIRM. Don’t know about the standard but if you want to sleep on a pile of rocks, order the King. I had to return it and go through the fiasco of arguing with…
So about the pillow because I’ve also purchased one - 1. The seller is a tool and it will take up to 2 weeks to get…
It was well known (and well documented) that a majority of her vintage business on eBay was false. She repeatedly purchased clothing from China and other sellers to re-sell as “vintage” when it was “costume” clothing like “Vtg 70's flapper dress”, etc except it...wasn’t. She also was well known for shill bidding on…
Those dudes are The Worst.
I find dick pics hilarious. Why would a man ruin his chances beforehand? Silly.
That has to be one of the worst things I’ve ever had happen to me and I will never forget how I did a 180 on the dude that did that to because I fucking refused to be seen as a piece of property. Asshole.
This was great.
In a way, situations like these take on a deep psychological toll that more than often ends up being repressed then manifesting later into something kind of awful. There’s no “trauma” I’d prefer having experienced both ends of this spectrum but ask me what I think about the most when it comes down to it and it’s this…
man i said it on the other post - this dude is straight up frat boy posing as hipster. not a fan of amy but COME ON. hard pass on this artsy loser.
And the second outfit from the left - a freakin button down? The whole ensemble screams clearance BEBE from like 2010.
That sounds compelling. It means nothing, but I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that she was part of it, in one way or another. And I have refused to acknowledge her since. I’m not even a big Cobain fan, she just gives me horrible vibes. I’m sure as a strung out junkie, it’s highly plausible that she needed to…
I went through his feed for a while...maybe I’m wrong but, he doesn’t seem like her “type” and vice versa? Guy is way hipster, french press, art dude. She doesn’t strike me as having a lot in common.
Yeah definitely - kind of like going to the farmer’s marker to purchase fresh eggs or kale and a vendor just went to Wal-Mart, got some nice brown eggs, and you’re now paying $5 for half a dozen of artisan eggs that is actually from Wal-Mart. It’s completely clever and totally hilarious in a lot of ways, and obviously…
Arguing that it’s “just chocolate” denies the economic impact it has on so many levels - it takes real resources and real people to harvest cacao beans and the origin is just important because if you’re buying from West Africa, you might just be supporting slave labor whereas if you buy from another region, the labor…
Right?? They had a great sale this week and I scored a Barney’s leather bucket bag for $55!
Same - if I’m going to spring for a leather bag, I’ll wait til it goes down in price for a real discount, and for the real thing.