
I see what you’re saying and yeah, it’d be great to see more (or any) women who weren’t just the MacGuffin for a man of whatever race. Wish I could offer encouragement there, but I find myself at a point where I avoid “sisters doin’ it for themselves!!” type movies because the female protagonists are drawn even more

Aren’t we talking about that movie, though? It’s from the non-white guy’s perspective but it’s about the white girl who’s into him, so...

You don’t get it and perhaps you never will. You conflate sex with gender as if it doesn’t matter.

No, you’re not supposed to ever talk about that, or you are causing the deaths of transwomen. Seriously, that’s what I’ve been told. Also, I’ve been told that all transwomen get beat up as kids and called gay, so they have no male privilege.

Lololololol this is absolutely lovely. I hate transwomen and I am contributing to countless deaths by talking about how in some spaces, cis women are silenced! Lolololol I’m not even sure if you’re real at this point.

I read an article about a trans man who stopped his treatments so he could have a baby - maybe it was the same one mentioned here - and in the story they used “chestfeeding”. I mean, it’s a little absurd. You do not feed from a chest. 

I’m not telling anyone what word to use to describe them. Use any word you want. And I’ll use the word for you when I’m talking to or about you. But to say don’t use the word vagina when talking about vaginal birth is insane and not helping anyone.

What in the hell is this garbage.

Way to assume that me calling you a bitch means I think you’re a woman. See how stupid that is?

Oh no, you are absolutely going to be attacked for even bringing that up, guaranteed.

Thank you! This is exactly what I’m talking about. Only transwomen can muse on womanhood and femaleness without being called a bigot, apparently.

What white cislady are you talking about?

Welcome to the world of Black woman, where we get NOTHING. Rarely the love interest or aspirational woman to be cherished and loved and protected. Pretty much always the sassy best friend who has no life outside of the white folks on screen. And good damn luck if you’re dark-skinned and rock your natural hair/braids.

The females of the species are the ones that give birth, period. Full stop. That’s a fact. Gender and sex are two different things.

Lol, @ me talking about my own experience as a woman and feeling like being a cis woman is something I am not supposed to speak about being related to white feminism.

Yeah, while I understand that trans men and non-binary people give birth too, and I welcome their stories and perspectives, I do think that there is something powerfully and uniquely female about childbirth.

I feel exactly the same way. I guess that makes me a shitty person around here.

There are trans activists who *do* want to erase biological sex. (In some cases it’s their dysphoria talking, in others it looks more like misogyny.) There are people who say that biological sex is a social construct rather than a physical reality. Most natal females are going to end up being called TERFs by at least

Nothing new here. Disdain for female biological functions related to reproduction (pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, etc) is a big part of male (yes, I am talking about people who are biologically male) “culture”.

Yes, I didn’t like how this was glossed over at the end of the article in the section about “inclusive” language.