
I love Luke Perry even more now that he raised a daughter who is taking none of the shit from the shitty people who are coming after her because they don’t like something or other about her (an 18 year old who just lost her father!): “I swear like a sailor and sometimes I dress like a hooker. And I support causes and

Canseco is a garbage human being, I wouldn’t believe anything he said.

As a diamond PhD, I estimate that ring to be worth between 2 and 5 million laffs.

That’s true. I do think there’s still space for cheese in the genre though. I still watch Tales from the Darkside at least once a year for instance, and that’s pretty cheesy at times.

I’d definitely like to just watch 20 seasons of original Law & Order, if I’m honest.

Man... I finally got around to watching the trailer last night and just started shouting “NOPE” over and over again as the trailer went on. I’m sure it will be great but that trailer stressed me out so much and I do not know if I will be able to watch this.

This is the line many fools keep spouting. And if you look at the figures in a total vacuum, it’s true. The wealthy WOULD be paying the lion’s share of the taxes. But when you actually dig into the systems in place, the way taxes are paid, where the money goes, and so forth, it’s a COMPLETELY different story.

The Status Quo Dems and GOP are killing the planet and what lives on it! Us! 

I don’t get the whole need to repeatedly rank sexual assault, as though it matters? “Well, marrying an underage girl isn’t as bad as kidnapping a girl at a bus stop, and groping a woman at a bar isn’t as bad as groping a woman at work, blah blah blah.” What’s the psychology there? Do they think people don’t know the

AOC’s the only politician who I can go “What’d she do now?” with a smile on my face

Big problems started by small-minded, greedy people will only be solved by brave and good people like AOC. She needs all our support.

I’m looking forward to a year’s worth of comments saying Us is overrated/ Us wasn’t actually that good of a movie/ why does everyone keep talking about Us/ stop shoving Us down our throats. /s

Agreed with everything you said, especially the ungraying. It seems so capricious and stunts the conversation. 

My comment has more to do with our skewed view of reality due to the ubiquity of younger women with older men. When placed next to women of their own age, celebrity males ‘seem’ so much younger due to our habituation of seeing them with younger women.

Sounds to me like their recycling process is faulty if they can’t handle “unwashed peanut butter jars.”  People are right to call out pizza boxes because the grease gets embedded into the fibers and you can’t really get it out, but there is zero reason why that should be the case with a plastic bottle or glass jar.  

Not gonna happen. Doing that at the household level is an immense waste of water. I’m not wasting potable water that my town puts money and energy into bringing up to drinkable standards just to de-crust a soup can that SHOULD be going into a recirc bath anyway. 

Agree - I still throw away any that are super greasy. But if there’s just a couple spots I throw it in the recycle bin. 

Who is really going to clean out an old peanut butter jar? I would think that would waste more water than the benefit of the recycled plastic would create.

That sounds fine and all but at the same time we would be wasting too much water for that. The recycler needs to do all that with their own water reclamation system. Either way resources will be used but saving potable water has to be our #1 priority always.

Agreed about the last email needing to be the first.