
I love Luke Perry even more now that he raised a daughter who is taking none of the shit from the shitty people who are coming after her because they don’t like something or other about her (an 18 year old who just lost her father!): “I swear like a sailor and sometimes I dress like a hooker. And I support causes and

Canseco is a garbage human being, I wouldn’t believe anything he said.

As a diamond PhD, I estimate that ring to be worth between 2 and 5 million laffs.

I’d definitely like to just watch 20 seasons of original Law & Order, if I’m honest.

I don’t get the whole need to repeatedly rank sexual assault, as though it matters? “Well, marrying an underage girl isn’t as bad as kidnapping a girl at a bus stop, and groping a woman at a bar isn’t as bad as groping a woman at work, blah blah blah.” What’s the psychology there? Do they think people don’t know the

Agreed with everything you said, especially the ungraying. It seems so capricious and stunts the conversation. 

My comment has more to do with our skewed view of reality due to the ubiquity of younger women with older men. When placed next to women of their own age, celebrity males ‘seem’ so much younger due to our habituation of seeing them with younger women.

Agreed about the last email needing to be the first.

Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays.

Kamala Harris is a ball of nerves that can barely handle an interview without seeming entirely fake. How would she handle a debate with Trump? Not well to the point of embarrassment would be my guess.

No one was actually into Hillary. If you were, then there's a pro-choice wing of the Republican Party for you to join. 

I’ll take the high road here, thanks.

Thanks for this refreshing article.

It “worked” fine.  Without Bernie sanders, those issues would still be Internet fantasy. He’s earned his chance to run again. We’ll see who the people get behind. It’s a long way to the 2020 election.

They may take exception to it, but they would be wrong. Medicare for all and a $15 dollar minimum wage became Democratic gospel because of Bernie Sanders.  He showed it is possible to run a top-tier Presidential campaign eschewing PAC money and mobilizing grassroots donors.  It was transformative.  

This is good.

He has a large base, and polls show that that base overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in the general. Like, more of his base voted for her than her base voted for Obama.


The same folks who did it before.

Kamala’s a cop