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Yea, Cory fucked up. But what kind of boss sends a message like “I’m making you come at 12 on Friday”? If my boss ever sent a message like that to me, I’d blow it off and claim that I never got it.

Whoopi Rocks! I’d vote for her for president in a heartbeat.

This is the Urkel-mobile!

It looks to me like all of the players had a blast making this movie. It must have been fun.

There comes a time in life when you stop caring what other people think and embrace the stuff you like regardless of how ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’ it is. I’ve always like ABBA. I also like The Monkees and The Partridge Family had a few good songs too.

I think this is the best post I’ve ever read on any of these sites! You deserve a million stars! I’m sorry that I can only give you one.

God bless Whoopi! Now if we can only get the white women in this country to display the same anti-Trump zeal, we can get rid of that asshole.

Pay-to-play’s widespread presence in rap can be loosely traced to two things: an incredibly saturated market of talent, and a lack of places for rappers to perform.

I’m trying to get a handle on how big this thing is. I’m guessing around 3" long. Am I right? It would be really cool if it was about 3' long. Big enough to put some action figures in it.

What is the motivation to rent a $200k automobile? Who are you trying to impress and why would anybody be impressed when you are driving a car that you obviously cannot afford?

One was good, two sucked, three and four were pretty good and five was awesome! Now that they have the formula down, I have high hopes for six.

MI2 sucked buffalo balls! It’s a wonder that they even made another one after the debacle of 2.

Texas. Republicans. Trump country. Need I say more?

I liked the first Equalizer movie. You bash every movie I like. But now I know which movies I need to watch. All the ones you bash.

Who plays the good guy? Maybe they should make a Liam Neeson/Denzel Washington ‘Expendables’ type movie.

They won’t beat the Yankees or the Red Sox.

As a Phillies fan I don’t need any extra reason to hate the Dodgers. But now I have one! Die Dodgers, DIE!!!

There are many good to great players in all sports who have never been to the playoffs. That’s life. It is not

Everything that goes around comes around. Eventually, the running game will come back into vogue and suddenly everybody will be scrambling for elite running backs. Bell just got unlucky that he played in the wrong time.