For the gun nuts, everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is actually a conspiracy to take their guns away.
For the gun nuts, everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is actually a conspiracy to take their guns away.
I don’t know what to say. Grandma Moses with an assault rifle. Her bones would snap if she ever fired it. When I see stuff like this, I think to myself that the world is beyond hope. It’s not even worth saving anymore.
No matter what ailment a person has, you really can’t go wrong by telling them to “get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids”.
And I have no problem with that at all as long as the gun nuts stay behind those barricades and leave the rest of the country to us.
Bigly yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!
Funny, but when did the NRA become a branch of government? I don’t remember ever voting for any NRA officers. They can be taken down. They can be ignored. The only thing stopping us from having gun control in this country is the stupidity of the American voters. The same ones who put Trump in the WH. If you want gun…
Tim Tebow is available.
Seeing as how there are only 2 QBs in the league that went further than he did last year, I would say that Bortles DOES NOT totally suck.
Thanks for deleting my comment you fuckin’ piece of shit. People deserve to know that Apple supports the NRA.
Thanks for deleting my comment you fuckin’ piece of shit. People deserve to know that Apple supports the NRA.
Svelte to be felt!
DirecTV Now is one of the better over-the-top cable replacements out there, and with this deal, there’s very little reason not to give it a try.
DirecTV Now is one of the better over-the-top cable replacements out there, and with this deal, there’s very little…
Why are Americans more violent than people from other countries? Other countries don’t have madmen shooting up schools and concerts and movie theaters and churches. Other countries get the same violent movies and video games that we get. What makes Americans so quick to kill? What separates America from other…
Too many shots to the head Geno.
If I gave up smoking, drinking and eating, I’d have no reason to live.
I’ll say this for Don Cherry. His clothes always look immaculate. His tie is always properly knotted and he never has a stain or a crease or a rumple in any of his clothes. If he wore more conventional clothing, he would probably be one of the world’s best dressed men.
There is almost no difference between this and that very real commercial of the sumo wrestler on ice.
Gun nuts are beyond redemption. I hate them all. They all need to go along with all of their guns. We’d all be better off without them.
Flyers fan here. I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when I heard about this trade either. But it was a move that Hextall had to make. Mrazek did win his first start tonight (against Columbus; didn’t they used to be good?). Mrazek doesn’t have to play great to help the Flyers; he just has to be not-shitty.
For the first time in my life, I have a sliver of hope that we can finally end the scourge of gun violence. These kids are great! They are intelligent, very well spoken and they are on a mission! I heard a Florida cop saying at one of these town hall meetings that putting an armed guard in every school is ‘our last,…
Some people are just stupid. They claim on the one had that they can’t pay the bill and then they go and post pictures on Facebook of their new car or the great vacation they just took. These people are criminal and need to be caught and punished. But what are you supposed to do if you legitimately can’t pay it?