Lately Giz has been good about keeping the pro-Apple anti-Microsoft posts down, and there seemed to be a balance of opinion. But with this headline picture, it's clear to me now that Giz's alliances will always lie with Jobs & Co.
Lately Giz has been good about keeping the pro-Apple anti-Microsoft posts down, and there seemed to be a balance of opinion. But with this headline picture, it's clear to me now that Giz's alliances will always lie with Jobs & Co.
@Dancing Milkcarton: Maybe you should've done your homework and picked a reliable tablet from a different company. Lenovo is highly recommended.
Great! Now 30-minute TV episodes can be split into 2 parts instead of 3 parts!
@FriedPeeps Can Kick A Stupid Shark's Ass: He lost me at "the headquarter of Twitters"
Does this make Dan Lyons the Antichrist?
Et tu, Motorola?
@whatne1wuddo: Oh ok. I think I confused it with small claims court vs. regular civil court, where the cutoff is $500.
@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: Woz-approved!
GRAND theft? What was it, a diamond-encrusted iphone?
You can tell the difference between Wired's professional reporters and Gizmodo's wannabe blogger staff right away.
@usedtowork: No, I think they're trying to say that Android is the new dumbphone.
Use the New Google Image Search Right Now, or Use The Existing Bing Image Search One Year Ago.
@hawkeye18: If Apple made a burger and you called it disgusting, they'd say you were holding it wrong and that you need to eat it with the wrapper intact.
"future wage problems"
@Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets: My dear friend, Zune still has a lot of life left in it.
Zune forever.
He definitely put emphasis on "hobby", I can remember.