
Lately Giz has been good about keeping the pro-Apple anti-Microsoft posts down, and there seemed to be a balance of opinion. But with this headline picture, it's clear to me now that Giz's alliances will always lie with Jobs & Co.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Maybe you should've done your homework and picked a reliable tablet from a different company. Lenovo is highly recommended.

Great! Now 30-minute TV episodes can be split into 2 parts instead of 3 parts!

Does this make Dan Lyons the Antichrist?

Et tu, Motorola?

@whatne1wuddo: Oh ok. I think I confused it with small claims court vs. regular civil court, where the cutoff is $500.

GRAND theft? What was it, a diamond-encrusted iphone?

You can tell the difference between Wired's professional reporters and Gizmodo's wannabe blogger staff right away.

@usedtowork: No, I think they're trying to say that Android is the new dumbphone.

Use the New Google Image Search Right Now, or Use The Existing Bing Image Search One Year Ago.

@hawkeye18: If Apple made a burger and you called it disgusting, they'd say you were holding it wrong and that you need to eat it with the wrapper intact.

"future wage problems"

Zune forever.

He definitely put emphasis on "hobby", I can remember.