
Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.

Is the Pirates of the Caribbean exhibit a great warning about historical piracy? A memorial to those whose lives were lost fighting pirates?

There were women pirates.

Except the ride is ALREADY being changed constantly. No one had a big petition or a big stink about this, Disney decided it was time for a change, like every other change. So yelling about progressives and whatever is complete bullshit. Is drawing lines for the sake of your shitty political arguments.

The ride isn’t an historically accurate representation of the 1600s, it’s a romanticized tribute to “A Pirate’s Life,” which includes ghosts, shanties, and (now) Captain Jack Sparrow.

Corrupt? Probably. To a small extent. Look at what we have now.


The only think I find hard to believe is that the Donald Trump they claim they knew for 10 or so years was not the current guy.

Can someone please compile all of the statements he has made about women bleeding? I am noticing a very disturbing pattern that has to have some kind of psychological explanation.

I live in Cologne, and construction work here is really “interesting” in that either they dig up ancient Roman ruins (in which case construction work needs to halt until examination by the university is over) or bombs from WWII. I’ve been evacuated once, and that’s when I felt like I was finally a true Colognian (I’ve

If only he’d followed his bliss and spent his days writing terrible fanfic online...

Why do you hate us all

To add: the president attacking someone vs some random shits with a “news” show are NOT THE SAME.

About as obtuse as I imagine you’d be if you were the spawn of Mike Huckabee.

“I’m a woman, I’ve been attacked by that show multiple times, but I don’t cry foul because of it,” Sanders added, as she cried foul.

So did the majority of American voters, but then the Electoral College failed to fulfill its only purpose — to ensure that voters can’t even accidentally put an incompetent demagogue in the White House.

Heeeey, no need to sully the good name of mutts. Mutts are the best.

True, but we all know, don’t we, without a shred of doubt that Trump would authorize a genocide, given the correct context, at the drop of a hat.

... and what’s worse is that his administration defends all of it as “fighting fire with fire!” or “hitting back harder!” as if responding to petty insults is part of the President’s fucking job.

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.