
I’m too the point where I think back to now a year ago when even this website was so anti Hillary and everyone thought cheeto was just a big joke, and I want to cry.

Maureen Dowd seems real dumb.

Good thing that hawk Shrillary isn’t in office, we might be on the verge of another war if that were the case.

I waffle on TJ Miller, he can absolutely seem insufferable but he is a funny guy. I’ve listened to a few of his interviews on Pete Holmes’ (also insufferable but sometimes funny) podcast and he comes off as annoying but intelligent and it’s very confusing for me. I want to like him but I think he’s trying to make me

I’m thinking Cosby, Charlie Sheen, and George Zimmerman should go on the road together.

The response to the hung jury by Cosby and his people has been comically tone deaf. That look of persecuted righteousness on Cosby’s face, the whole “his power is back” or whatever, and that hilarious interview. Its nuts.

Just blocked a friend on fb. Seriously, I have zero tolerance for this shit.

Ribs can become chronically loose, though, from constant subluxation, or from the tearing of their ligaments, or from being broken and not setting properly. They can slip out of their proper orientation along the spine and either grind against each other or constantly slip in and out of position, and the pain never

I don’t know if it’s the same as “dislocated” but I’ve split my ribs apart more than once. You get this awful “POP” and blinding pain... then breathing hurts. It’s pretty awful.

Everyone in America should read the book. Right now... I’ll wait. Ok then. The most important part is the book-within-the-book:

I know this! Basically it’s a sudden sprain on the rib that make the muscles and other tissue swell forming a lump. The pain creates the sensation that it was dislocated. It doesn’t pop out. I had to bill a patient and saw the code for it and thought it was fake!

Usually I avoid the hell out of anything that’s labeled “torture porn” but I’m genuinely curious how they are managing to freak people out with a stage performance. The last (only) Broadway play I saw was Sweeney Todd and it was plenty tame considering it’s about murder and cannibalism.

You still need middle men, just the middle men in universal healthcare doesn’t exist solely for generating 35% profit on every dollar taken in. But yes, it would save money because with a single entity, hospitals and drug makers wouldn’t be able to game the system and would have a single customer - one that wouldn’t

And the craziest part is universal healthcare would SAVE TAXPAYER MONEY. The costs would all go down and no middle man. These dumb bastards don’t realize they’re already paying for healthcare for the poor anyway

I got my big toenail removed a few weeks ago to nip a toe fungus that had gotten out of control. If anyone would like to see a picture, I can promise it’s less gross than that toe pic up there.

As long as she’s putting her name on it and cashing the checks, she’s just as much to blame.

I thought that was weird too, but I think it’s a clue that somewhere there’s a Democratic President right now. We just have to get to that timeline.