
That was then....this is now....and it’s only in the last couple of months...days of mighty Romanesque Western civilization - are numbered unfortunately.

Love the rose color glasses people used wear during the dawn of the internet age. Internet will create freedom of speech unlike ever seen......Dictators and will fall. We as people will will come as one and share ideas and gain much insight and understanding into each-others different points of views. We will all grow

Nice diverse group of people. One can only speculate whats going to happen when China runs the world one day soon. Hint, better learn how to say. “多高?” In Chinese.


Crap, buy more crap it will fill that void in your soul.

Crap, buy more crap it will fill that void in your soul.

Great, Kudos to Gonorrhea, with 7.3 Billion people and no sign of think we are overdue for a reset.

You could always move to Afghanistan.

Now playing

I see you are another product of a modern education system:

$2.76 Million....that’s like a whole day’s worth of work for a kid trading at the Ethereum market these days.

Most of these articles talk about General AI and although probably many decades not a reason not to talk about he Pandora’s box. Those in the industry cry Luddite on anyone trying to voice concerns, where in fact Luddietes weren’t wrong....but rather 200 years early. There is no surprise considering the

I must not be seeing what you see in this movie....tried it yesterday and fall asleep 30-40 minutes in. ET or Goonies for the new generation it is not.

Well, Narcisse, isn’t it great that you are here to always remind us about it.

Must be Trump. Am I right?

Oh well, sorry Ethiopia. There will be winners and losers in the global warming trend. Weather patterns are changing if you agree or not, even if we switched to mostly renewable sources of energy tomorrow this trend is not turning back now or in near future. Honestly this fear mongering is just tiresome at this

I guess you never heard of false-equivalency to compare a 12th century christian wrongs to justify 21st century Islam.


They aren’t our ally....large number of people in Pakistan (including government) identify with values far removed from the progressive western society. There is just enough self interest on both parts to keep the appearances of a relationship. After all they hid, Osama and the doctor who supplied his location to CIA

Good riddance. After few episodes I realize I was participating in Wachowski’s long drawn journey of self re-assurance, sexual repression and personal therapy.