
Will do, Dad. Thank you.

Absolutely full on racism, all the time. Yup. thats how I roll. I’m glad you found me out.

funny, someone who is triggered is calling others triggered. hmmm

Racism, what is so racist about it? Was this to sensitive for you. Do you need a sanctuary city to hide out the racism?  

Sure they are chill, they are used to traveling with chickens and goats and camels.

Now playing

Political correctness is reaching an all time high..... This video pretty much nailed whats happening

Yes everyone is a hero today....two for one special..

Helped ruin? That’s little presumptuous & sensetionalist. US is being made great again as we speak.

After reading hundreds upon hundreds of constant bashing of Trump on Gizmodoo, Jezebel etc....I finally changed my stance. Long live Trump, burn it all down, I don’t long as I don’t read another whinny post from dissatisfied 20 something coming of age journalists.

18 Science Facts You Believed In The 1990s That Are Now Totally Wrong

And here my dear ikaiyoo lies the problem and why we are so polarized as a people. You will respect someone as long as what I say is aligned with your point of view. If I misstep from the popular opinion you share with the echo-chamber that person is now to be dismissed. Funny thing...this is precisely how every

Does it? Does it?....for example...give me graphs and figures, spoon feed me. Can’t reason on my own.

You lost me at being a snarky grammar Nazi asshole.

Now playing

Am I to understand you are a personal friend or family member of Kennedy that has the inside scope into his unchanging mind? Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound.

So nobody here in their life ever had one point of view that latter changed?

First, “clean coal” was a sarcasm. But since you started it. Building wind turbines or solar panels is also environmentally questionable. Recycling is close to as green as not recycling at all. Cement that is basis of our society is one of the most environmentally polluting industries. Only real positive change you

Bah....renewable energy, clean coal it’s where it’s at. Thanx Obama now GTFO, we got walls to build, environment to exploit and nuclear war to prepare for.

Voted Hillary even though I disliked her greatly. Reading your comments and people like you who are just as ignorant and blindly seeing things from only one perspective. It makes me actually realize Trump is a president we deserve.

Because of sexism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and of course know..

Alt-Left Trolls Use Chicago Kidnapping to Spread Lies About people who have a opinion that varies from their own echo chamber.