
Palmer, if you can hear me, just come out of hiding with your middle finger held high to Gizmodo writes. After all you won.

Who you calling racist you Xenophobic, Trans-phobic, Misogynist.

I recall the first time we have used monsters to Player Kill in D1 on it was an effective way to get people’s personal items, oh the rush of adrenaline.

Now playing

What’s up with this Got Milk commercial? Really...

Oh the good old times of Cow level was actually made up story by one of our guild members Flux-Babe (inferno). Flux must have written hundreds of posts with different aliases just to reinforce it’s existence. It was amusing to see how many people wanted to believed it and the myth just kept growing. If any

Great one more device Chinese can use to take over the your wifi to launch DDoS....

Here....there was an article written in Times of Isreal talking about the fact that Jews Do control the media among other things...It was since removed but thanks to internet it can be found in few places that preserved it. Here is one of these places:

It’s a sketch regarding out of control diversity. Your sarcasm aside. When you get back home and no longer confined by the shackles of your employment, watch it.

The more judgmental self-righteous comments I read from the liberals on this board the more I enjoy the fact Trump won. And I’m a liberal who didn’t vote for him....

Sure, he is on their take.

That’s right 1955 and white picket fences and lemonade. Let’s drink energy drinks and hate each-other.


Latest massive hack in October that took down Spotify, Twitter, and Reddit and many more, was done in part by using IOT devices. Here is the article from NPR. This is just a taste of things to come as we expend into connected world.

Can we create the face recognition app that would look for that pedophile look? We could sell this to the law enforcement agencies. I sense big payout.

Now playing in the hell do they keep falling for it?

Connected cars are a security/safety nightmare of the future. It’s not necessarily about even individual theft or mischief. Think bigger. Future wars will be (are) fought in the cyber space. Any connected device (IOT) makes any country infinitely more vulnerable. There is no such thing as security in digital age. Say

Yin & Yang. Both are the reflection of the same coin. Disdain is artificially created by those that want to maintain control. In reality there is no right or left only people, and people are very similar in what they actually want or need. Sooner we realize it the faster we will actually stop fighting eachother and