
But even then reviews on Amazon are becoming part of the problem. It’s hard to know which ones can be trusted. As career reviewers receive free or discounted products for their *unbiased* reviews :) I no longer take those reviews seriously. Many companies also hire firms that channel people to review a particular

It’s Israel, duh. Even though it’s a tiny country with tiny population. We in US have to be constantly reminded about its importance through a barrage of media coverage.

Why do we want to fight traffic deaths with 7 billion people in the world is beyond me. If anything we should encourage more deaths. Go ahead, drink, smoke, drive and watch Netflix while you are at it. And before anyone says; “...but hey that could be you that someone drives into.” to that I say fair enough. I’m

Thanx Trump

What do you want them to do? Declare war..... It’s been talked about it for years that Electoral collage voting does not represent true democracy but nobody took initiative to challenge the outdated system so here we are..

Hey, joke is on all of us. I’m actually a democrat living in a city full of craft beer and skinny jeans. Was truly poking fun at myself.

Likewise, nothing like making snap judgments about the civil war.

It would be a short lived Civil War...the right has all the guns remember. They also know how to hunt. Your knowledge of craft beer mustaches and skinny jeans would not apply.

And you Sir is precisely the reason why this outcome came to pass.

I must have gone to a different high school. In my high school back in a day we did talk about overpopulation though.

I stand corrected.

Real problem - too many people. Pollution is a solution. (pun intended)

1st world problems...nobody should tweet, say or have an opinion. Only then we will have a perfect political correctness. No wonder Brexit happened and Trump came close to winning in US.

I fear it will end up like Matrix II & III where original Matrix nicely wrapped everything up. had to be said.....right at about Iphone 4-5.

I’m sorry.

I just love this article about people who subscribe to soylent culture.

Sure it’s the most used app since it comes preinstalled with the IOS. Additionally it’s forced on you as any address highlight, opens up in native IOS maps. It’s the very same reason microsoft’s explorer was once most used browser.

Truly I never understood the appeal of this game. Someone please explain other than you can build things out of polygonal blocks. It looks dated, it feels dated and is about as exciting to play as watching paint dry.

Paul, no need to be rude. My comment wasn’t directed at you and it expresses my person experience and opinion about the apple maps.