
Katharine, I have very much enjoyed your well written counterargument. Point well taken.

I have enjoyed your response. Point well taken.

And I must have touched on a nerve? There is not problem with scientific toys or toys in general or Fisher-price for that matter...My point simply was that we as people have tendency of quickly embracing trends and using it as gospel. It’s kale today and coding tomorrow...etc..

Yup ...which seems like it gives them extra credibility. :)

Yes this is a perfect gift for a girl/guy you are trying to impress.

Cynical.. much? Although indeed common occurrence in our throw away materialistic society, I don’t believe every business operates from that point of reference, but I could be wrong.

Finally.....I cringed every time I heard any of their BS radio ads...disgusting opportunistic business praying on people’s insecurity.

I would properly reply to you and elaborate further on my point but since I’m not getting paid for it....I just lost my motivation. Sorry.

Yup I had one of these...the Russian knock off version. Had to throw a tantrum to get it :)

Coding is a solution to everything like Atkins Diet and South beach & Paleo’s like Kale and Pomegranate Juice before it...If my kid would just learns to code everything would be right with the world. but you can still see me type...

I think Garmin finally hit the nail with roadies...That’s one group that will eat this up like energy bars. Most self absorbed, competition obsessed, fashion show on wheels...Hey my carbon is 2016 carbon, you don’t say man I just got a...............(insert next best thing to brag about)

Now playing

Lets not forget about this banned ted talk..

Here, I assume you have seen this already but I thought of you when I was reading this the other day.

Neither do you, buddy.

Matter of perspective Sir. Like wise you are a crappy person.

The benefit of doing something from scratch -unlike upgrading current infrastructure is that you can select most any model as your target. If we are going forward with this thing it seems like we should go Hyperloop at 760 mph. I realize it’s untested and still in experimental stages but so was landing on the Moon

Don’t bother, I have realized that most people don’t want to have their preexisting convictions questioned in any way. Their point of view is solidified and thus it has to be defended at all cost. They will often recall couple of buzz words they overheard somewhere like “Luddites...something...something...didn’t

You are technically not incorrect go far enough and every country is a country of immigrants :)