
“How does the department decide which applicants get this extra scrutiny?”

Funny thing, I’m a also a leftist-liberal on almost everything else but this. Well put, Sir.

“People like you scare me. You believe what you read way too easily. There are a lot of subversively racist/xenophobic people everywhere. Try not to be one of them.”

That’s because despite political correctness at it’s core Islam is different from other religions, in that it is inherently violent. It’s very founder was not a pacifist figure a la: Buddha or Jesus. It is also foolish to assume that all religions are the same.

What does being a historian have to do with a common sense assessment that a 5 year old could make. A simple look at our geopolitical landscape pretty much opens up a possibility of a third world war. How would you dispute this?

Foolproof & perfect steak. Don’t over-complicate it.

Question. Is there some type of special nerd school one partakes in to learn about this stuff. I mean WTF is The World of Lev Grossman’s The Magicians. I’m in my 30s and I have never heard of it even mentioned in passing...

Wake me up when it’s $50.

Love it, finally one of the Clowns (Trump) is exposing what a big circus our entire political system really is. Meanwhile masses are crying foul and it hurts because everyone got used to more sophisticated form of lying.

Isn’t that the truth.

So what you are referring to is known as Eugenics...popularized in some scientific circles in Great Britain in the early 20th century end widely adopted by the Nazi regime.

One could argue that extra 100....200....300 IQ point does have an impact and it’s that impact over time we need to be concerned with.

“I suspect the pendulum will simply swing the other way once that asymptote is reached.”

I agree.

But it is and it will. Cat is out of the bag so to speak. Those with means will have access to this technology, eventual kids will be born where their abilities will far surpass others, most likely longer life span or eventually indefinite life might be possible as well. There are thousands of Martin Shkrelis of the

Which is exactly what has happened time and time again throughout history. It is foolish to believe otherwise.

There is one overwhelming reason why we should not accept human edited traits and it’s not religious based or simple fear of the unknown. This reason centers around our understanding of our basics of human nature, greed and self preservation.

Right....everything is fine....keep shopping.

Unless you hit a tree after few which point you want it to call your buddy instead of authorities....

Unless you hit a tree after few which point you want it to call your buddy instead of authorities....

Wow, 2 years....justice was served!