
Couldn’t say it better myself :)

Ask me if I care in 2150.

Ah...words of wisdom...reminds me of some other words of wisdom I have read somewhere....

Someone also suggested shaking....?

It’s her btw and pardon me sir but who do you think I am? Of course it’s the first thing I tried.

My kid won’t stop crying...

Yes. But honestly I would prefer they just included an SD card reader. Most people (photography) are vested in this format already.

Ouch, I was hoping the rumors were true regarding a 14” version.

Wes, I probably should have stated that I’m not against hunters (although many I know personally are not true hunters but simply people that like to get away from their ‘life’ drink some beer and shoot something - they do not poses this deep Native-Americana-like connection with nature) I do own guns myself, btw.

Wes good article. Just want to mention something as it bothers me when I see people refer to ‘killing’ as ‘taking’ it’s a psychological diversion to soften the act and make it appear more humane in the process. You are not “taking a dear” you are de-facto killing it. You can take dancing lessons or take me out for

The only limit is yourself!

Right after this guy’s website:

You Sir, are a connoisseur of fine web design.

Nice, needs an SD card reader (not micro-SD) and around $998-$1100 price point.

LoL (who uses LoL anymore btw) but ye this deserves a LoL.

I have a feeling we might be on a cusp of a second dot com crush.

Cliff notes for the rest of us: OLED is the best TV technology you can buy if you can afford it. Only adventage of LCD is it’s brightness.

Up to 1 million asylum seekers are expected in Germany this year alone! - I’m not sure people posting here realize the scale of whats happening, siting comfortably behind their computers.