
True...some people are into spandex.

True, very accurate observation if I may say..

Ouch, unnecessary roughness.

Oh but thank you Sir, what a polite and appropriate response.

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Road biking is for pansies who have not yet evolved to mountain bike...

The concern here is that: if you fly a drone over someone private property you should reasonably expect possible consequences of your actions. People could use a shotgun to down a drone. Small pallets have lesser likelihood of hitting someone’s kid or a dog vs your drone causing real harm.

You are too generous.

I disagree, you will get your ass kicked if you think it’s a proper course of action to fly a drone over someone’s property. Along with having a terrible judgement.

Please don’t fly your drone over my property.

I’m sorry but anything flying over my my property with a camera is going down.

Hey Synthozoic.

“If driverless car technology can eliminate those accidents and fatalities, isn’t it worth pursuing?”

It’s not a question of if it will happen but rather when... :)

While we admire the rise of this wonderful technology the storm is brewing just over the horizon.

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So really he is not much different than many MDs? Choosing the profession for mostly monetary gain, prestige and egotism that it supplies while paddling often questionably legal drugs that are in many ways a true gateway to long term addiction.

Alex as much as people don’t want to face the truth. Staying with your mother was your fathers choice. Choice that would have consequences that he might not want to face (usually out of fear) but a choice never the less. What you probably wish for is that he had the @@ to actually stand up and move on instead of

He is the inventor of sliced bread. Very good sliced bread.

My only question. Where can I get one of the replica Chinese carbon bikes?

You owe it to yourself to cut the cord. It’s not a right it’s a moral obligation. Rise up now and spit in a face of a corporate oligopoly that keeps you docile with a promise of cheap beer and ESPN sports to rot your brain.

A book worth reading...