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Again as this was already answered elsewhere. Automation won’t just effect the transportation industry, it will effect all industries including maintenance of those cars and thousands of sensors you speak off, eliminating people that would normally perform such maintenance. Best you watch this. It’s a simple video but

This is a great question, btw.

“Automated cars will still need to be built and serviced, for example.”

I never assumed that there will be enough jobs for everyone, that would be foolish. I just wanted to open a conversation..... We need to start talking about sociopolitical evolution as you have rightly mentioned yourself before we are dealing with economic turbulence and social strife.

Take a look at this article for example...this blog is not best format for a lengthily response.

Job creation due to changing information age technology often is a misconception quoted by people that fully don’t realize a long term impact.

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Technology is also making us more alone, less able to relate to people, depression rates are climbing. There is such a thing as good progress and bad progress. Not all technological innovation is good progress as we often don’t fully understand the impact on quality of life.

As cold hatred as it sounds we almost need those 40,000 deaths each year to slow our ballooning population growth. Again with unprecedented automation you need less people not more in order for us to remain in any way sustainable. Unchecked population growth is yet another elephant in the room that will roar its ugly

It was more for humor sake...I doubt anyone will pack up and move to Michigan :)

I understand this tech is exciting for all the companies involved. But I’m starting to see this more in a context similar to building an atomic-bomb. What if you knew that technology that you help develop its actually going to cause suffering, countless millions of jobs lost and further solidify inequality between the

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No salt, no sharks, plenty of fresh water.

Time to move to Michigan. No salt, no sharks.....plenty of fresh water!

Let me just throw this out there. I love sci-fi genre. I actually went out to see Ex-machina in the theater. (It’s something I rarely do now with 4K tv and all...) and I be honest after reading all these great reviews, I’m somewhat disappointed with the movie.

I’m open to debate. I just wish you can also take a long hard look in the mirror.

Well said. I recall a ordinary traffic stop when a cop approached my vehicle with his hand over his holstered gun. I was thinking WTF, what society are we living in??? reflecting on my recent visit to Canada where cops are more like public servants...Armed with INFORMATION and DIRECTIONS as opposed to weapons and

Disagree, I think our society is lazy & disinterested. We have comfortable discussions as not to offend anyone, therefore we talk about nothing. As long as beer/wine, football and netflix is here; do to me what you please.

Than no one should be surprised if and when a marginalized population rises up and uses violence to “make their on equality in America”.

Ummm...:( the power of the Portlandia reference has been denied.

But not before you take him for a ‘joyride’ in the back of the unpadded van right?

This problem goes deep...and it has many names but mainly it’s inequality. Technology is actually a leading cause that few talk about. We are facing elimination/reduction of most jobs now performed by people in the next 25 years. Ferguson or Baltimore is not a’s NOT just about race, it is a fabric of our