Fun fact Black women tend to get paid less than White women. Fun fact Colorism is a problem outside of sex work. Fun fact sex work no more any other job is about personal value.
Fun fact Black women tend to get paid less than White women. Fun fact Colorism is a problem outside of sex work. Fun fact sex work no more any other job is about personal value.
This is why I hate heavy labor (construction, drilling, mining, commercial fishing, truck driving, military jobs) in general. When you sell your body, you are the product. Your self worth and personal value is literally monetized. It’s gross. Don’t sell your body!
“Classy? She used to be one of Heidi Fleiss’ girls.”
After all, when you look at your kid who “turned out fine” after you had a few drinks, you can’t know if the kid would have been a little smarter or a little healthier if you had abstained
I know I’m gray so this is likely dust in the wind but knowing what I know about serial killers, mass shooters and fuckers like the Columbine shooters, these white boys sound like classic psychopaths. They can fake affability and harmlessness till they get close, and once they have you mentally disarmed, they strike.
When will people realize that he doesn’t give a shit about bad press. He doesn’t care about pundits and talking heads saying bad things about him.
As a 6'2" woman, I would hope that someone wouldn’t assume I was a drag queen if I was wearing slightly heavy make up, a fancy dress, and heels.
I am a midwife. I am very ltbtq+ friendly. I have had one trans parent and all was lovely.
Yes, thank you! That’s what I sometimes sense, and have bluntly been told—any talk from me about what it means to be a woman is inherently transphobic simply because I am cis. Blows my mind.
Yeah, while I understand that trans men and non-binary people give birth too, and I welcome their stories and perspectives, I do think that there is something powerfully and uniquely female about childbirth.
I’m a yuge pothead, and even my addled brain knows that developing brains shouldn’t do any drugs. Period.*
What we should take away from this:
If you don’t understand how it will affect your child’s development, don’t be self-centered and stop while you’re pregnant. And don’t smoke around your children either.
Hey there, can we not say someone has “admitted” something they needn’t be ashamed of? People don’t need to “admit” they live with depression, or are gay, or were in abusive relationships, etc. It takes courage to talk publically about this stuff—the taboo doesn’t need any more encouragement.
You’re one thousand percent victim whether it pains you or not.
I have so much less problem with the tits and ass aspect than I do with the fact that they’re never situationally appropriate. Ariel, there are clothes for daytime and evening. That is an evening dress. Do you see how the kid next to you is wearing khakis? That’s not because his tuxedo pants were at the cleaners. …
This is really the only valuable response to this thread. The NSPL has done a LOT of good for many people and could be helpful for many more. Personally it got me through a hard *hard* period of my life. Can’t recommend enough.
Sure, we can all keep a careful air of suspicion, but suicide can occur with anyone. I knew a successful public official who shot himself because he suffered from fugue (he disappeared for days and weeks at a time, and it was coming more frequently; he wrote that he wanted to spare his family any more embarrassment).…
Please don’t trivialize depression and mental health issues by immediately dismissing suicide and going full conspiracy. Depression can affect anyone, regardless of color, sex, gender or social standing.
Things I’ve learned at Jezebel