Peggy Blackett

Mostly, the acclaim for Ledgers' Joker is proof, once again, that death can be a good career move.

Before that, they were reprinted in larger format by Warren.

"Wandring-friendly deserts of the Australian Outback"?

Actually, "The Spirit" was a separate, comic-book supplement that ran in Sunday papers.

I avoided most of the films on this list, so they can't be my choice.

"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" wasn't even a book - it was a short story.

For some reason i was thinking John Carpenter had made a version, but i see i was thinking of The Fog

Oooohh. Me likey!

Yep. When Batman gets involved with Harley (minus Joker) things get weird.

I wouldn't deign to spit in that soup.

The existence of Seinfeld is forever a blight and a shameful commentary on the intelligence of the USAian TV audience.

I was born in Chicago. Chicago-style pizza is an abomination.


A word of advice: Be very careful with some of the recipes in The Anarchist's Cookbook. SOme of them have little errors in them.

I'll point out that there is a more literal filming of The Red Shoes - the 1948 Pressburger and Powell film.

I bought that CD in New Orleans as i was getting ready to head home to Atlanta; i listened to it at least three times in the course of the trip.

The original release of Cowboy Junkies Trinity Session CD had a sticker on the longbox (Yeah, it was that long ago) quoting Reed as saying that this was, i think he phrased it, "the most authentic" version of "Sweet Jane" he'd ever heard.

Maybe. It sure LOOKED like part of the movie, and it's been reported as such.

When your film starts out with that stupid, completely unrelated, tacked-on Deadpool thing that was basically an ad for the Deadpool sequel, you lose any credibility about not doing an after-credits stinger because they're
